Wednesday walk - In search of the coolest street in the world!!!!??????


Hello friends of the Hive realm. It is still Wednesday here in Montreal Canada so I will post my walk for #Wednesdaywalk hosted by @tattoodjay.

It's been a while since I've posted a Wednesday walk but I was inspired the other day to get up and go. I usually post plant based recipes. After working in a busy restaurant, I don't always feel like doing much in my kitchen at home.

On a previous day off, I saw a random video, where a girl was touring a street in Montreal. She said that according to Time Out magazine, this was the coolest street in the world.

I have lived here in Montreal for over a decade. I have never been to this street. I didn't even know it existed. Wellington street was the name.

I thought I lived near all the cool streets in Montreal, at least what many think is cool. Now I was being told that this other street is where it is at.

So off I went to see if it was worth the hype.

Too far to walk, at least for my level of exhaustion, I hopped on a train and went around 10 stops to the station near the street.


When I got to the station, I asked the ticket guy if I was near Wellington street. He was not super friendly but asked me, "where on Wellington?". A nice lady beside me said I was close, and gave me directions.

I felt lost. I didn't see any sign of some "cool" street. I stopped at a corner store for a bottle of water. The lady told me to just keep going straight this way, until I get to a street that is only for pedestrians.

Finally I turn on to this street. I didn't see any sign of anything out of the ordinary. It seemed to go on as far as the eye could see. I thought if I walk a distance I'll find the reason why this street is so "cool".


Could it be a special store with stacks of sake bottles? It turned out to be a restaurant with nobody inside.

I kept walking searching for this street's supposed reputation. There were homes on the street that looked like generic homes of the city.


When I saw a sign on a banner, with the street name on it, I felt like I was getting closer to something special.


Most of the restaurants had patios set up outside. It is always nice to eat and drink outside, but this exists in many places in the world.


I could not help but wonder if the person that declared this street to be the coolest in the world was paid by a merchant. Perhaps they were young, or new on the job and drank too much bubbly.

Sure sure restaurant patios are nice, but even my neighbourhood has a fair share. My work has a nice one as well.


I marched on in search of the "cool". As I said, the pedestrian street went on as far as the eye could see. I needed to give it a chance.


It seemed like every corner had this resting spot. There are many public spots to rest in the city. Nothing special.


Could it be that you can buy a 2,000 dollar bike and a cat tree in one shot? Is that why this street is so special?


After the bike and the cat tree you can get some bulk food items. That sounds a little better


If my cheap flip flops broke, I could replace them with some sneakers. Actually there is a sneaker shop around the corner from where I live.

Still searching for something special, I keep walking.


I stumbled upon a discount clothing store. I needed another shirt for work. This was the highlight as I managed to find a shirt for 4 dollars, but not worth the train ticket cost to get there. Besides I have many clothing stores minutes away from home.


There were several swings on the street, that were never free. I don't mind a good relaxing swing now and then, but no chance on this street.


I had seen this cathedral in the video. It it quite majestic but this province is known for their many churches which are everywhere.


There are different types of sitting places on this street. It resembles other places in the city.


The street resembled a street, 10 minutes from my apartment, which is also a summer pedestrian street.

I was still not impressed.


There were familiar shops that you see all around the city. Over priced produce and items well displayed to trick you into thinking they are special.


At this point I wondered if I was wasting my time exploring the street. I made a decision to keep going. I was getting bored. I just couldn't help but wonder what it was, that made Time Out magazine supposedly declare this the coolest street in the world.


Wait what is going on?!!!

Oh just a fire truck and fifty or so firefighters hanging out, doing something I don't understand. It's all French to me. I didn't have a clue. Judging by the lack of smoke and the relaxed nature of the scene, it would be obvious that this was not fire related.

This is the point where my boredom peaks. I turn around and trek back to the metro. I was anxious to get back to my neighbourhood, known as the "Plateau".


When I exited the metro closest to my apartment, I heard music and singing. There is a local park called Square St Louis, across from the metro. It is also next to my workplace.


I followed the music and singing. There was a very cool troop of musicians and singers performing.


I have seen musicians at this park before, but nothing so lively and unique.


They played upbeat French folk music.


These musicians were so tight, and clearly felt inspired by their own performance and gave it their all.


This was a real treat to have in my very own neighbourhood.


I finally felt safe at home with an extra bonus to end the day.


Across the street from the park is the restaurant where my partner and I work. He was working at the time, while I was enjoying the redemption of my fruitless search for something special.

I did not need to leave my neighbourhood to find it.


Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.


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