Flu hit me hard, but not as hard as i usually f*** myself up! here are some photos!

My ambitions to start writing a post per day as a way to re-gain my cryptocurrency portfolio after seeing a huge portion of said "wealth" vanish in a blaze of glory as Sub-Zero lost yet another battle in the virtual sports arena or "eFighting" to that pesky Leonardo Turtle.

He´s a mutant... And a teenager COME ON Sub-Zero! WTF!

"Colors of the night"

"Icy Road"

Now those two images i start with are both taken in the region of Eyjafjördur, North East Iceland and show the stark contrasts in weather in the region i call home.

A climate by many considered one of the deciding factors in the high rates of mental illness, depression, alcaholism and general "dick-ish-nesh" of the local population.

"A dog wonders"

Or does it, is it maybe just a great dog that poses so good on dada´s command?


It is commonplace in rural Iceland to celebrate local boats that have managed the feat of cathing large quantity´s of fish.

These boats become the things of legends, and if not sunk by "Asshole Winter"
They othen get placed on town squares and mainstreets where they can seem to the untrained eye....

A bit

"Out of place"

Oh my, you got that... I am the cleverest photographer and wordsmith!

This next image is shot in the dead of night at my granparents house, where i used to shack up when not drugged off my ass during my time as a wagabond!


Here i sqeeeze in another image of my beutyful bitch, Raven. However notice that this time its becouse the image is beutyful, not a way to whore out some easy upvotes.


"Ís-land" - "Ice-nation"

The image you are about to "witness" next is describing of Icelandic weather, as you can see the wind f.eks is blowing simultaniusly in ALL directions, something that can be very frostrating... Ahh the joys of "Wordsmithing"

The image below i used to call "The Rock" however i´m changing it to Alcatraz, it is shot in Siglufjord, Iceland. A rural fishing village wich with a population of around 1000 has to have its own cow farm and dairy manufactory due to it being snowed shut to the rest of the country for such long perioids of time each year


And at last but deffinatly not least is this wet Dandalion flower in autumn


Now this is not the long awaited "Architecture" post nor the breakdown of my rebuilding economic efforts, but rather another photography post.... (who´d have guessed)

However, this time as a novelty, i´ve decided that it is almost entirely profanity free.

You are welcome #HIVE #BLOCKCHAIN !

Utill next time, stay safe and warm, upvote me for the health of the blockchain, (and mostly my ego).

Looking forward to hear about your ventures into vulture capitalism... oh nevermind.

it´s called Facism today grandad, i know it was all cool when Mussolini did it, however what Mussolini did is no measure of "health" nor "coolness"

Fuck Facism!


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