008 Pastor Earl Jones: Who Was The Father Of Cain

Pastor Earl Jones approached the riddle of who was the father of Cain by the backdoor. Out of this question, a great schism has emerged.

And if a house (Strong's Greek No. 3624, meaning: a household, family, lineage, and a nation) is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. - Mark 3:25

Edomites greatly benefited from the divisions caused by this subject.

Many teachers (such as James P. Wickstrom, Clifton A. Emahiser, and gentlemen who moderate Christogenea) believe Eve had an intimate relationship with Satan. As a result, they say Eve conceived and gave birth to Cain. Usually, they use different translations and "esoteric" meanings of the words to prove their point.

Their endeavors to disclose the truth are welcome and much appreciated. However, there is a mechanism known as "telegony," which I wrote a dissertation about: https://telegra.ph/Why-Body-Count-Matters-What-Youre-Not-Told-About-Telegony-And-Microchimerism-10-28

If Eve's blood ever came to contact with the alien blood, the consequences (mutations) would have been visible in all subsequent offspring, which, as we know, did not occur.

Followers of the seedline doctrine usually quote 1 John 3:12 to prove that Cain was the "physical son" of the devil. 1 John 3:12 says, don't be like Cain, who belonged to the devil.

They also often quote John 8:44, in which Immanuel said to Edomites, "You are of your father the devil." As you know, Edomites were descendants of Esau. The father of Esau was Isaac, and the father of Isaac was Abraham, who was not of the devil. Therefore, 1 John 3:12 does not have to mean that the father of Cain was Satan.

Here comes the kicker: the origin of the seedline doctrine is unbiblical. Precisely, it was "invented" and popularized by early Kabbalists in the times of Jonathan ben Uzziel.

In his book "The Holy Kabbalah," Mr. A.E. Waite stated that the seedline doctrine is of Talmudic origin.

It may be hard to grasp and accept that Yahweh's plan included Cain and Esau playing the role of savages.

I encourage you to read two of Charles A. Weisman's books!

A) Who Is Esau-Edom: https://archive.org/details/who-is-esau-edom_202102/mode/2up

B) What About The Seedline Doctrine: https://archive.org/details/WhatAboutTheSeedlineDoctrine/mode/2up

Pastor Earl Jones offered in-depth studies of politically incorrect topics. Several messages cannot be published on YouTube, and for that reason, I am inviting you to join me on Telegram & Odysee.

Telegram: https://t.me/NoKingButJesus

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@Monarchist:4

I wrote the new imprecatory prayer: https://telegra.ph/Imprecatory-Prayer-12-18

Those with eyes to see and ears to hear were given a charge to awaken the House of Israel. Fulfill your duty by downloading and sharing these videos.

Support our brother by subscribing to his channel: https://odysee.com/@Wayfaring_Stranger:c

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