Hidden mental characteristics for players in CM 3

Hidden mental characteristics for players in Championship Manager 3 01/02 (3.9.65)

Each player in the game has a wide array of attributes, most of which are visible in the game. Most attributes range in value from 1 to 20 - 1 being the worst rating possible for that attribute, and 20 being the highest rating possible.

Some players have ratings of 0, meaning that the game will randomly generate that rating. So a player with 0's for all attributes could turn out to be a superstar, or one of the worst players in the world. Generally, however, they'll turn out to be average.

Here are the hidden mental characteristics for players:

  • Adaptability - How the player adapts to living in a foreign country. For example, a Swede playing in Italy. The higher the rating, the less likely he is to become homesick and unhappy.
  • Ambition - How much ambition the player has. The higher the rating, the more pumped up he'll be to win league titles and cups for his club.
  • Determination - How determined the player is to do well. This is self-explanatory.
  • Loyalty - How loyal the player is to his boss. The higher the rating, the less likely he'll be to turn on the team and demand a transfer for some reason.
  • Pressure - How the player performs in clutch situations. The higher the rating, the more likely he is to shine when the chips are down.
  • Professionalism - How professional the player's conduct is. The higher the rating, the less likely he's going to do anything foolish like make a rude gesture to the crowd or strike out against his manager.
  • Sportsmanship - How sporting the player is. The higher the rating, the less likely the player will be pulling stunts on the field like diving or spitting.
  • Temperament - How well the player keeps his temper. The higher the rating, the less likely the player will retaliate against another player, or even punch referees.

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