The impact of computer programming in human transformation and development

Man in his historical development has passed through different stages and ages of developer since his existence. His initial age after his existence was unarguably concluded to be the stone age.

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This is age is further divided to to categories which are paleolithic ( old stone age) and Mesolithic ( middle stone age ) which are both characterized by the era of man's agility to crush stones and convert to raw materials for inventing tools ranging from agriculture tools to war and construction tools. Moreso, this era of man's development made the construction of there dwelling places with the use of crushed stones or excavating rocks to their desired shape for living.

As decades passed by, man transformed from this age to to bronze age which is the age that is characterized with the use of bronze as the basic material for development, construction and invention of tools and desired material equipment needed. This age having lasted for many decades and centuries, another development which is being experienced by man is his transition to the Iron age which is characterized by extraction or mining of iron and the use of iron as the major raw material of production of desired, needed and necessary tools and equipment by manual means. Having also been in this age for many decades and millennium, man experienced another era known as the era of classical antiquity which is characterized by the rise of Greek and Roman empire. This era in the historical development of man gave birth to science, philosophy and art, this is the era or stage at which man gradually experiencing development, transformation and technology. This is the stage where man invent cart which is attached to the back of horse and donkey compare to the previous ages where such invention were not made but man due to his rapid population and his crave for broad technology that will ease his daily affairs transitioned to Middle age which can be traced back to 15th to 18th century of man's existence.This era of man's historical development gave to broad politics and advancement in technology. Man having not satisfied with this stage of development and having not satisfied with the development it encompasses due to his rapid population, the transition to industrial age arrived. This age can be date back to the mid 18th century till the mid 20th century, this is the age of industrial revolution, transportation, Technology, sophisticated agricultural tools, urbanization and socioeconomic growth. The last stage man transitioned to is the modern age which is characterized by rapid technological advancement and inventions. This can also be date back to the mid 20th century till date and it's the age in which computer programming are adopted to ease the affairs of the inhabitants of the world

The above overview of historical development of human is necessary because without it, we may not appreciate and value the invention of computer programming and it's usefulness may even be overlooked and underrated

Computer programming has had a lot of impact in all man's development such as medicine, politics, engineering and a few mention. It is the backbone of every invention. Computer programming are set of instructions or codes which are put together and then transferred to an already moulded material. These set of codes then determines the behaviors of such equipment or materials.


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Computer programming has positively impacted human development as follows:

  • It provides easy access to the dwellers of the world. The world has experience the invention of social media platforms, video call apps, email app and a few to mention. All these software applications are invented via the use of computer programming. Furthermore, it has made learning process easy as earning both undergraduate and postgraduate course can be achieved without being physically present. That's the beauty of computer programming


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  • In politics, computer programming has made national development easy because it has provide easy accumulation of data of its citizens. The computer programming managing this is known as Data science.


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  • In medicine, computer programming has created an easy access to any medical practitioner when urgent complains are to be lodged with physically meeting such practitioner with the invention of telemedicine software applications.

  • Building structures and railway construction are rapidly being completed these days due to the invention of robotics and artificial intelligence which is one of the beauties of computer programming.


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  • In commerce, websites are now being developed to advertise products which easily provides easy access to people to outrightly purchase or order for items all over the globe. Typical examples are Alibaba, AliExpress and a few to mention. Furthermore, one of the beauties of computer programming is hive website where people around the globe meet and build careers

  • Computer programming has easily created and has made applying and seeking for jobs easy due to the creation of some platforms like LinkedIn and indeed.

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