The last time I traveled was this year, last two months. That was August yeah August 30.
Well I traveled with my family for a burial ceremony in the East. At first when my father brought the shocking news of the death of my uncle which was is elder and last sibling it was sad... And then my dad wanted all of us (the whole of the family) to travel to the East compulsorily. I wasn't even interested at all because of the idea I have in my head about going to the village.

You know most times when I hear that a particular person goes to the village rich the person comes back rich but in less than a month stories change and things becomes otherwise. So this are the kinds of things I hear about village .

I always hear that village People don't take it easy on their haters I mean...😂
So I tried all I could to avoid the travelling with my family. At that point I wished to just remain at home in Lagos... But it was what it was...

The day of our traveling came near and we prepared like we were traveling outside the country. Cause as the day was drawing closer we were preparing as well
We bought a whole lot of personal stuffs even to the point of buying our plates and spoons Even cups and pots. Like we juts wanted to be so careful at the village.

The day finally came August 30th. The only person that was joyful about this traveling was my father. He literally didn't sleep all through the night, patiently waiting for 4:00 so he could start preparing. As soon as it was 4 sharp this man don stand up and he started waking all of us to prepare for the big day.

We finished preparing and till 6:00 our rude was yet to come 😐.
We finally left around 7. I was happy and wasn't at the same time. I was happy because I have embarked on sure long journey before and I was happy to anyways. Actually there wasn't really a good reason why I wasn't happy but I promised myself to be much much careful when I get to the village.

I promised myself that I would avoid touch especially from old people 😂 I actually don't know why but I I felt like I should avoid them anyways...🌚
We started the journey and it was going well, I slept like 4 different times and I ate like 3 times cus we prepared meal from the house before leaving home .

We passed a whole lot of beautiful places, I saw so many beautiful tress. We also passed about four states before getting to my destination we passed Delta State we passed, we passed Ondo, we passed Benin and it was so cool seeing and passing all this places.

It was just look like as if the arrangement of the trees outside Lagos are different and more beautiful. We finally got to one of my favourite part of the journey which was Onicha. Onicha was an hour distance from the house our home town house I mean.
And when we got to Onicha, we passed the bridge and it was so beautiful.... I saw all the ships and Cano on the bridge I juts could not stop repeating the word " awnnnn". I definitely took snaps and videos of beautiful places I got attracted to during the journey anyways...

On getting to the Village gan gan the atmosphere changed as well the radio we were listening to before entering my home town. The language just change all I could hear from all around was Igbo.

The first thing that welcomed us on getting to out town was a group masquerades. Unknowing to us the day we chose for the journey, a feast was going on in the East .But I wasn't scared because I was in the car just looking at them from afar and I was just smiling.

They actually blocked the road and requested for money as a bail if not out night was going to be on that sport. Well it was getting serious and then we were left with no choice but to give them the little we had.

We finally driver Home, to our compound. The moment we landed all my cousins and my aunties and uncles were already outside happy to welcome us in. We came out if the car and we were well welcomed. I wasn't really comfortable that night I juts managed myself.
But when it was the next morning I woke up and then we all gathered for family devotion that morning the devotion was powerful. Hearing the whole family sing and clapping was so nice and I enjoyed it . After the devotion the big aunties entered the kitchen made a very large bow infact baff of tea it was so wired and funny at the same time. I was felling irritated and wasn't able to drink with them anyways.

I think it was like after a day I started enjoining my day in the village we did a lot of things played a lot of village games I even played suway with some kid and my cousins, I used fire wood in cooking and was cool actually. There are different orange trees in our compound and I ate more than one thousand oranges .😅

It was my morning dose actually. I because so free with everyone even with the old grannies, I learnt how to greet elders from your father's side and from mother's side there are two different ways I learnt them they are actually funny anyways...after the successful burial ceremony that was a week after my arrival In the village,

Some of my cousins were already leaving for Lagos and their different homes. Some of my small cousins cried while they were leaving because they would miss the fun we have everyday .

The going to market, the playing of games , the orange our money dose, the FOOODD, the very lively devotion... And many more things. All through my stay I want opportune to visit some places like the stream, and I wasn't opportune to visit some places in the market. We were kidda restricted because the East wasn't really safe there was so much killing in the East. It's so much that every Mondays there's usually no movement till just evening time.

Well I had a great time in the village with my big family, I only had reaction of water. But aside that it was a time well spent 🤌😌.
Even the village is now well developed with stable electricity everyone is getting involved.
I definitely would love to travel aging to the East with my family the extended family I mean but this time for a better reason not a burial.![]

PS: all pictures were taken by me on my iphone
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