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My honest appreciation to the newbies initiatives family for these exposure given to us. For me it specifically signifies two things.

First, it transfers a sense of belonging, thereby making us feel relevant among those before us. And secondly, aside from the acknowledgement to us as newbies, it also serves as a means of guidance through the hive journey.

I must say, these can only be an eye opener to those who are strictly ready to explore the hive blockchain.

Which brings me to the topic of the week

My Goals

In my understanding, Goal is simply a target.

Hmm.. It was quite unfortunate that I missed out on the last meeting due to my work offline. Sadly, I took three days off work and had to make up for it on Sunday.
However, am thankful that the meeting was still recorded and very much accessible.

I remembered my first one month on hive. Initially, I was reluctant to make post and then gave myself a task of writing at least 3 times a week. Then I discovered how bad the results were. I wasn't meeting up as planned, and the realization came at a I visited others blogs of some people I've familiarized myself with overtime.

That was when I knew how far behind I fell. To make up, i didn't exceed my initial idea of posting three times every week. It remained but made sure i met up with that plan. soon i noticed i needed more, i wanted my blog to look alive when others visits it and so later changed logic by writing everyday. And since then it had gradually become a part of my daily routine that if at all i slack off, i would be at peace until i by all means fill up the space even if it would mean writing twice and publishing day and night.

Little did I know that all these were considered goals. The meeting held on Sunday gradually broke things down to a lane man’s understanding, thereby leaving me with more ideas.

After listening to the speakers, I'm left with more ideas on achieving goals, especially the hive power.
To be sincere, I've never really thought of working on increasing my hive power which should possibly still be in its hundreds…
Aiyo! Did you know what entered my mind just now? A thousand HP hahaha…

I wouldn't call it impossible but wouldn't try giving myself a fake promise as well.

So yeah, I'll leave it at 300HP as my main goal for this time. It would be a goal which I plan on achieving by yielding to the advice of our moderators, posting regularly and most especially engaging consistently on hive.

Oh right, talking about engagement, it would be a good thing setting up a specific amount of posts to engage everyday. So I will stand on twenty posts per day.

Engaging in twenty posts while continually dropping a post everyday as well as participating in weekly contests should be very effective in this pursuit, and I believe this also would make a little room for more followers.

Finally, it's a fact that achieving a goal doesn't really comes easy as the mouth says it and that's why i plan on putting the
SMART recipe from now on.
-S < pecific.
-M< easurable.
-A< chievable.
-R< elevant.
-T< ime.
I strongly believe that with this in place, achievement would almost be inevitable. And by the way, I caught the idea of making this a pinned message for my blog to serve as a constant reminder.

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