Embracing the serenity of "a perfect day."

Once I was told that "no day is good or bad, it is all in our thinking. Just live the day as it comes to you" This lines comes from a person who is younger to me. This lines do sounds sensible as it is all in us and our mentality, to pressume how our days going to be. I have heard many people talking about good days, bad days and even a perfect days. But I think all these were in our approach towards life. Let take a dig at them.

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Good Day & Bad Day.

Good and bad days are part of life, and both can contain lessons. Some say that bad days can be painful, but the pain can be feedback that helps people grow and become stronger. Others say that good days can sometimes make people complacent and gloss over areas of their lives that need improvement. Here are some ways to look at good and bad days:

  • Good days:- It Can include feeling happy in relationships, having good health and stamina, and feeling comfortable. An something nice and good things happen during the day.

  • Bad days:- It can include having bad thoughts or actions, or feeling broken. It may include failure, arguments or ant other event which is not fruitful. However, some say that bad days can be opportunities to learn and improve. For example, a bad day might indicate that someone needs to eat better, get more sleep, or push through the pain to become stronger.

Noone like to change their good days and everyone wish to stay in good vibes. However, a person can turn their bad days around into good one. Bad days are not impossible to turn around with intentionality and good habits. Whether a day is good or bad is subjective and depends on individual perspectives.

A Perfect Day

A perfect day could be a day inmlife that goes smoothly and as per plan. Everything comes to you and all hurdles waives off without much fuss. A Perfect day in someone life can be made up of many factors, including activities, people, and how we start our day:

  • Activities: We can include fun activities, opportunities to exercise our talents, and meaningful experiences. We can also try to align your activities with our values and purpose.

  • People: We can spend time with family and friends, or surround ourself with people who help us achieve our goals.

  • Start of day: We can try waking up early to establish a sense of calm and order before the day gets busy. We can also try eating breakfast with our family to get everyone in a better mood. Such little things spreads happiness.

In my case,

a perfect day is one where every pieces falls in right places. Keeping the family happy, spreading smiles, helping the needy (it gives me immense satisfaction), do not harming anyone intentionally or unintentionally, never getting into unwanted arguments and making the day productive as much possible.

It sounds strange but such things really makes life very meaningful. People have many other choices of making their day perfect, like winning a lottery, or deriving huge profits on investments etc. Here are some other ideas for making your day as perfect as possible:

  • Declutter: Even a small space can improve your mood.

  • Exercise: Regular exercise can make you happier and calmer, and can help you deal with whatever the day throws at you.

  • Eat healthy food: Healthy food can help you stay productive and healthy.

  • Complete tasks without distractions: Working without distractions can lead to a sense of satisfaction and achievement.

It is important to note that, whatever way we live our days, it is important to take a leaf out of it. Not everyday remain same. So either be good bad or perfect, just keep embrassing them and enjoy. Learn the lesson and march ahead in life.


Namaste @steemflow

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