Heyy everyone what's up how are you all I hope you all doing great and healthy.

In Today's blog I'm going to talk about astronomy in which we all are aware and this is a very interesting topic.

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So I think guys you know what is this yes guys this a nebula and this is made up by gas and duat which is located in space and there are uncountable nebula in space guys the intresting fact is about this nebula is they are far away from the earth and thanks to our scientist those who discover advance levels of telescope.

The whole solar system is amazing those who take intrest in astronomy this is going to intresting topic cuz guys there are infinite things in space which is not discovered until and each of the things are stunning in space and recently I researched in big bang theory and that theory was amazing and i believe in that theory.

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This is a blackhole guys and you can see how much beautiful is this like this is magical ring but guys don't judge this by its looks this is just opposite of the beauty this blackhole is far dangerous for everything this blackhole was discovered in 1974 by the Bruce Balick and Robert Brown by pointed radio telescope in Green Bank at the centre of Milky Way.

The fact is about this blackhole is the gravity in blackhole so strong nothing can escape from this not even the light cuz guys the speed of light is 299792458 m/s and this is the fastest thing so now you can imagine what is Blackhole and guys this photo is blurry because this was not easy to capture cuz this was found in another galaxy and in our Milky way galaxy there is infinite things and in large volume.

So guys I hope you really enjoyed my blog so see you soon in my next blog.

Thanks For Reading.....

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