
How did I get here? No, seriously, how did I go from grabbing my backpack and going off to school in my blue uniform and cornrows to almost being done with university? Well, the years just went by so fast, I guess, and now I can’t believe the age I’ll be turning in some five months.

Nevertheless, I can only say thank you to God for the growth I’ve gone through and for this person I’ve become. I’ve only been an adult for a few years, and although I’ve spent practically all of it in university where I’ve still been taken care of by my family (moneywise), I’ve still had to be an adult, making decisions for myself and planning my future because hey, I’m actually responsible for myself — that’s what being an adult comes with. And, I’m proud of how I’ve done.

Looking back to when I was still in my preteens and teens, I had a lot of expectations of my adult life and now that I’m here, I admit that I’m not where I thought I’d be, all I thought I’d be, but then I’m some of that — the ones that matter — and so I can’t be anything short of grateful.

I believed that at this age, I’d have published my first book. I haven’t done that though, and I’m not even close to doing that, but I’ve been working on my writing and have even ghostwritten a couple of pieces that I’m proud of. That’s something.

I also thought I’d have a great social life outdoors. Well, to put it as it is, I actually have no social life whatsoever (in terms of going out). My life in uni has revolved around school and my house all through. I hardly ever go out. So, I’m as far as possible to this expectation as I could be, but then it’s not all bad because I still have some social blood in me. I can keep a place lively if I’m comfortable and I’m quite friendly. For the going out part, I’ll be doing better at that when school resumes.

I actually thought I’d have more than I do now going for me, but even when I don’t, I’m still satisfied. I’m proud of all the decisions I’ve made and don’t regret a single one of them. I’m a confident young woman with principles who knows herself and what she wants out of life. I’m firm, I’m patient, and I have respect for human life and people. So, even if I’m not there yet, I’m on the right track.

The funniest of my expectations is the one where I thought I’d grow a lot taller. I laugh at this actually because I didn’t grow much. I don’t even think I’m much taller than I was in junior secondary. I’m still quite short actually, but hey, this one wasn’t up to me. However, I’m pretty and God gave me flesh in all the right places which seems to help the fact that I’m not tall. So, I’ve had to come to terms with the fact that this is the height I’ll be working with for the rest of my life and it doesn’t seem so bad now that I’ve accepted it.

Having said all these, I’d go on and say that one thing I’d change if I had the power would be my height. I’d add some inches — not a lot, but just enough. Secondly, one thing I love about my adult life is making decisions. I know that my family is still involved in a lot of things I do, but then unlike when I was way younger, a lot of things are left to me to decide. This can be scary sometimes because I know that if it goes wrong, I’ll have myself to blame. However, what feels better than knowing that you’re in charge? Hardly anything!

IMAGE: designed by me on Canva

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