"Shared Responsibility: Whose Fault Is It? Parents or Children".


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Good day, people of Hive! Welcome to my blog. Today's topic is "Whose Fault Is It?" I must say I love today's topic because it explores the fault between both parents and children. In my view, I will say the fault lies with both sides, and I will explain why. So let's dive into

Parents Fault

Parents play a crucial role in their children; they are the first teachers to their children, and likewise, they are the role models who their children look up to. The children watch how their parents handle situations, how they interact with people, and how they solve any problems. If parents demonstrate any good behaviour like showing kindness, honesty, and showing respect to people, the children would want to do exactly the same thing their parents are doing because they know their parents can't mislead them. Even if the parents are behaving badly, the children will also do the same thing. Between the parents and children, communication matters a lot, and it's very important. When parents talk to their children about feelings, values, behaviour, and decisions, it helps the children to understand the reasons behind the behaviours. Setting boundaries for the children is very important; teaching the children responsibility encourages them to follow the rules their parents set down for them. A positive home environment affects a child's emotional well-being. When the children see that they feel loved and supported, they will develop this self-worth or self-respect for themselves and resilience, leading them to make good decision-making.

Furthermore, the way the parents discipline their children is crucial. Instead of the parents punishing them, though I don't say they can't punish them, instead the parents should teach them about what's right and wrong; it would help the children learn from their mistakes. For example, if a child misbehaves and the parents explain the consequences to them rather than punishing them, it can help the children understand and grow. , we know that parenting is not that easy, and it's very stressful. And no parents are perfect; they face a lot of challenges that can affect how they raise their children's upbringing. We have some parents who will want to raise their children exactly how they were raised, and some because of stress, financial issues, etc.

Children's Fault

As the children get older, they must learn to take responsibility for their actions. Children may misbehave recklessly, such as lying, stealing, etc. It depends on the choices they make for themselves. And also, children can understand right from wrong, but younger one's may act hastily without them thinking about the consequences. Peer pressure can also affect them as they get older. They will feel the desire to fit in with their friends if they see that their friends are smoking or drinking them to will what to do exactly the same thing, even though they know that what they are doing is wrong.


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In conclusion, the fault lies on both sides. As the parents have fault in shaping their children's upbringing, the children also have fault in not heeding to their parents upbringing and by making decisions by themselves without consulting their parents guidance.

This is my entry for the Hive Learners Featured Content Week 133 Edition 01

Thanks for reading❤❤❤❤❤.

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