Connecting With Nature Through Rain

Hello Friends,

Canva Design

As always, the dedicated Admin/moderators of the Hive Learner's community have presented another captivating and educative contests for us to participate on this week.

I welcome you to my entry on the 61th (03) week of the Hive Learner's featured post, where I would be telling you about my rainy experience, as well as the impact it has had on me up untill now.

My Experience With The Rain

To be sincere, I never taught I would love the rain this much. Infact, when I first saw this contest, I couldn't help but smile at it because I felt this one was for me.

Growing up, I always associated rain with gloominess and boredom, as I would usually complain about the gray skies and the puddles on the streets. However, my recent stay in a remote area of my state, my perception of the rain changed completely.

It all started when the rain would fall over our not too high roof top, keeping us stucked inside to only hear the pouring sound of rain over our house. Instead of being my old self that would complain about the cloudy weather, I found myself feeling surprisingly comfortable.

There was something about the sound of the raindrops hitting the roof and the trees outside that made me feel at ease.

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As I sat by the window, watching the rain create intricate patterns on the glass, I realized how much I had been missing out on. The rain wasn't just about getting wet or feeling cold, but It was a force of nature that was beautiful in its own way.

Not only did I love the sound of the rain, but I also enjoyed the way it made everything smell. There's always a unique fragrance that fills the air during a rainstorm, and it's one of my favourite smells. The scent of wet earth, rain-soaked leaves, and damp grass is incredibly refreshing.

The Rain Experience That Has Remained In My Mind The Longest

It was on a Sunday evening after church services, and we had a very important football match to play at home. Our opponents were coming to our home field to challenge us on who the better football team were.

I was among the first eleven choices to play in any of the matches on our team. Although the wheather was getting darker, our opponents still showed up for the challenge.

Some of the players of our team were being reluctant to dress up for the challenge because they felt the rain would be very heavy and harmful to the total wellbeing of their health.

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Our opponents were ready and we weren't ready to turn down their challenge. We decided to play the match regardless of the changing wheather. I was selected to be among the starting eleven as usual, so we begun at around 4:30 Pm that evening.

In less than 15 minutes to the match, they were already some few heavy signs of a potential rainfall. The breeze blew like never before, and after that came the rain.

We were barely 25 minutes into the match when this huge rain fell on us. It was something I had not felt before, as they was this joy and peace that came to my heart during the match.

Funny enough, my fellow team mates and even my opponents were enjoying the whole match, because it was all laugh till the final whistle.

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I could say I connect to nature during this experience, because I could see myself falling for everything natural after that experience. It was really an awesome experience, which I would recommend to anyone seeking to find this inner peace.


There's something about being immersed in a rainstorm that makes you acutely aware of the world outside and your place in it. It's as if you're reminded of just how small you are in the grand scheme of things, and how powerful nature can be. Rainfall to me is peace of mind, and connection to nature.

Thanks for your time here.

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