I have always admired her courage. Her outstanding achievements in life are intriguing. She is my model figure. She means the whole world to me. She has provided so much guidance, support, and advice to me. She never gives up on the challenges life throws up to her. She is hardworking, she is a goal-getter, a prayer warrior and she is beave.


Her noble qualities make me love her more every day. She never relents till her aim of my academic goals and others were achieved. I can't talk about my accomplishments in life so far, without mentioning her because she has been a great positive influence on my life.

...And that person is my adorable super mom. She is my heroine.


My mom with my kids

Ever since the death of my Dad, when my siblings and I were still no where to be found in life, my mum has fought so hard to fill the vacuum created by my Dad demise. It hasn't been a bird of roses for her because my dad left no tangible asset for us. My mum always wanted six of us (my siblings) to become graduates but only her in the picture to take care of our academic needs and other basic needs made her lose a little hope of accomplishing her motive. But then, she never gave up! She did all kinds of business at the same time just to earn more and take care of us. She starved herself so many times when we didn't have enough food to eat, she would always ensure we have something to eat not minding herself. She doesn't even care about fashion and other things about her, the only thing she cared about was for us her children. She doesn't go a day without saying her midnight prayers because she draws her strength from God.

A time came when the load became too heavy on her, as God may have it, one of our relatives came through and was assisting mom. Just after one year, the man got assassinated !! What a wicked world. My mum cried her eyes out but then we encouraged her to be calm and also to remember her source which is God. She picked up her strength again and kept hustling for our sake. She did up to 10 different kinds of business I can still remember and God was just by her side. Then my elder brother and my sister graduated from the university. She was so excited at least two missions, were accomplished🤩.

Not too long, one of my uncles who was supposed to play a fatherly role to some an extent to us due to his close relationship with my Dad and how much my Dad supported him when he was alive came with envy, hatred, and jealousy to snatch the only land we had together with the palm trees and cola nut tree with which my mum does make lots of harvest from and trade it, to earn and support us. The man came openly and threatened my mom that if she ever step her feet on the land, she will regret being alive, "let him see how she will still produce another graduate when none of his children have seen the four walls of the university". These were his words🤔

My mum wanted to take up the case but we stopped her for so many reasons. However, all those things being taken away from her didn't stop her from seeing all of us through school. Today, six of us are graduates and doing well in different states here in Nigeria; Courtesy of my God and my mom. She is a woman in form of a man. She is my heroine and still very much alive!

This post is in response to the @hivelearners community contest week fourteen edition one topic titled A Real Life Hero.

Thanks so much for reading!!

Remember to keep staying positive and be happy💞🥰🧡

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