Adopted: A Twist Of Fate

Growing up, I always used to have petty quarrels with my mom. I flat out thought she hated me but I later on came to realize I was problem. I hit puberty and suddenly felt the urge to rebel. I would literally get mad even if I did wrong and my mom spoke about it. So this one time , I visited my grandmother cos I claimed my mom was getting on my nerves and the funny thing, while I was sitting with my grandmother talking, I asked her if my mom was my real mom and she shouldn’t lie to me.

I can imagine how stupid that must have sounded cos this woman just laughed and told me I would grow to understand why I feel this way and now that I am also, I have finally come to realise it was just a phase. I grew up knowing that I had my family by me through thick and thin. I would fight with everyone in my family over nothing but when I need them, they’re all there. I can’t begin to imagine how much my parents have done for me. From my upbringing to my education, to my career and many more things. Even though it hasn’t been a smooth road, I totally understand that they’re doing their best.

Maybe they were though on me sometimes and I didn’t understand and might have thought they hated me but they did all that because they loved me. With the kind of person I was and am now, I’m surprised my parents were able to raise me the right way. I’m literally a full 4 credit hours course and I think most parents wouldn’t get an A+ in this course but my parents managed to pull it off with little to no sweat. And so, if I should wake up one day and find out my parents aren’t my real parents, I wouldn’t really stress it because everything is in the mindset. We believe what we want to believe. I can believe Elon musk is my dad when he’s not, it’s all about the mindset.

But then, let’s assume Elon Musk was my real parent, I would obviously be mad at him and not the parents who raised me and I sure will make him pay a fortune for the emotional damages and also make him take responsibility for his actions. In a situation where my parents kept the fact that they were not my real parents from me for this long, I would understand why they did that because most kids will start to feel like the odd one out no matter how they’re treated. Others even turn bitter out of hurt and no parent wants their child to go through that .

I believe adoption is a huge step for a family and before a couple decides to adopt a child, they must have had so much time to think things through. It’s even a blessing to get people who are not your real parents take you in like their own and treat you well. We hardly see even our aunties or uncles treat us well when our parents are away so how much more someone you don’t know. It really takes a good heart to raise a child from another man and the least I do for the family who took me in when no one would is to give them the respect and love they gave to me and I should be grateful to them for the rest of my life for giving me the opportunity to love and be loved in family.

Life can be tough on us all, but with a family that stands with us, everything feels less lighter. Sometimes, blood doesn’t always have to be our biological family.

all images belong to me.

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