Who's to be blamed for a child's infraction?

Times without number, I always tell people that the first learning institution of a child is the home (one's own dwelling place) not the school or the society. For crying out loud, a child's behavior is greatly influenced by the home where he or she has been raised.

A child is under the surveillance of a parent or parents, so whatever the child learnt from his or her dwelling place is what the child will give back to the society.


Even the Holy Bible says "train up your child in the way he or she should go and when he or she is old, he or she will not depart from it"..... So this tells us that the home has to be in order before a child can have good morals because I got to understand that you can't give what you don't have.

Careless, nonchalant and naive parents will birth their likes while the reputable ones will always give the best training to their children.

Children are the heritage of the Creator that was handed over to man (parents) to nurture, so nothing a child learnt or does was in a day, their actions and characters are gradually built up from what they are learning from the home.

For instance, a sucky baby that bites the mother's nipple while sucking out of excitement doesn't really know what he or she has done, but if the mother smiles and doesn't do anything to correct such an act, the baby will still repeat the same thing another time.


But for a mother who want the baby to know that such action is bad, she will give the baby a small spank for correction so that the baby will know that the act is bad and I don't think the mother's action is wrong.

The responsibilities of parents can't be overemphasized in the life of a child, parents are the physical god of a child who takes different roles and the children learn from them everyday.

Parents are the experienced ones who are supposed not to be blinded by the mistakes of their children, swift actions are to be taken whenever a child does something wrong so as to better their lives but in the society of today responsible parents are rare to be found.

To me, training a child/children should begin from the moment you and your partner start having sexual intercourse. Have it at the back of your mind that you are engaging in an act that will hand over huge responsibilities to your life.

I don't believe in the saying....that a child is a mistake, hell no! no child comes as a mistake, you have the result of your actions. No one can conceive without engaging in practices that can lead to conception (forget about Mary's case, that's a special case🤣).


So I believe it's better not to give birth at all than to have your house full of children and they ended up constituting a nuisance to the society. No child is born with special characters or behavior, it's what's instill in them from the home that they will build on.

It's now up to the parents to direct them right and develop the character they know is best for their child because once they are older, there is nothing to do to change their behavior except there is divine intervention.

Therefore, I believe the parents are fully responsible for any of their child's actions. As parents, even if the father is always away from home, the mother has to fill the gap and help nurture the children because charity begins at home, once the home is good the society will be a better place.

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