
We have all experienced a heavy downpour at some point in our lives. It may be when we are coming back from work or when we leave our house. Getting beaten by the rain is just something that happens once in a while in our lives.

Some experiences of it are funny, but some make us mad and angry, and we have no choice but to question God about why it has to rain at that particular time. It’s just an incident that we can’t forget, and it has been in our minds all this time.

Vividly,I remember an experience I had with a heavy downpour, and that day I blamed myself for going out, and I never prayed for such an experience to happen to me again.

I left my apartment around 8:00 p.m. to get food because I had not had the opportunity to cook since the beginning of that very day because I was strong and did not have the strength to cook. I get to the food seller, and after I buy my food, which was rice and beans, immediately the rain starts falling without any sign that it's going to rain. It was a heavy downpour, and everyone that has a shop has started packing in their goods and products. Yes, most of their things fell from the table they put them on, and the one that didn't get soaked with the rain that was falling heavily. All I can see is that they were running around to get their things inside quickly.

I have to wait for some minutes with the belief that the rain is going to stop any moment from the time that it starts raining. But too bad it did not stop, and it was getting late already. I have no choice but to enter the rain because I can't afford to stay any longer at the food seller's place because it's already getting late.


As I was walking home, I had to bend down to prevent my eyes from getting affected by the breeze because if care is not taken, my eyes may be affected. I was scared, and it felt like God wanted to use the rain to wipe out the world, but then I remembered God's promise in the Bible that such a thing would never happen again.

As I was running to get home quickly, there was a stone on the road, and I was not able to see it. I fell flat, got my leg injured, and started crying. Forget that I was a teenager; the situation got me emotional, I couldn't control it, and I had to take it all out. All my clothes were soaked, and what made it worse was that I was on my menstrual period. I was so uncomfortable, and it was a very bad day for me.

I got home late, around 11 p.m., and the door was already locked. I had to call one neighbor to open the door for me, and before she could pick up, it took some minutes, but I finally got inside my room, and I never prayed for that day to happen again.

And yes, I forgot to mention that when I fell down, some of my food poured away, leaving me with little from what I bought.

It was really a terrible day for me.

Thank you for reading to the end.

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