Stress-Free Path Or Social Media Fame

In our world today, influencers are a category of people that are hard to look away from. The overall excitement that comes with being an influencer from the glam, the free products, and the love they receive from followers and fans of the products they promote can be enticing.

Yes, I know all these can be really tempting, and many wish to be in those shoes because of the flashy lifestyle, but real life is different from what we see on TV. This lifestyle can be pressurizing. Working under pressure is a garment that shouldn’t be one’s favorite. You have to think outside the box and come up with ways to step up your game, keep your importance to brands, follow trends, and present what will earn you more followers while retaining the old ones.

Personally, I’m the type that hates working under pressure. So instead of showing followers my stress-free lifestyle while behind the scenes, I’m going through thousands of different stories. So, when answering if I can be an influencer, my answer is no, and I appreciate that.


I doubt I can handle the demanding nature of the job. Your everyday life is centered on a lens because you have to be present for your audience, and this is where time comes in. I have a friend who is a brand ambassador for my boss. This girl’s life seems like it is already written and cannot be changed. There are many things she wants to do, but she can't because there are things expected of her and things she feels are not representing her image well.

While growing followers is part of the task, it’s one thing to do so, and it’s another thing for to keep these audiences entertained with what they love to see. Your posts must be popping up often in their notifications. Content creation is an integral part of their lives. All these are not things I think I can cope with.

Sometimes, when we talk about ethics and values, some influencers disregard these words because they are only after the money they will get at the end of the service. Imagine being an influencer for a brand where you know fully well that the product is not what they claim it is, but because they believe your presence will influence the product, some influencers don’t care but promote it anyway. In the end, the number of negative comments in the comment section would outweigh the positive ones.

I would rather pursue a career path that wouldn’t stress me mentally, where I could still have wealth and live a low-key life without having to be in front of the camera 24/7. Running my own business would open up opportunities to grow, learn, unlearn, and teach others instead of living my everyday life on social media for the sake of fame. Being an influencer is obviously not for me, and I’m okay with that. I respect those who walk and build their career paths toward that, hoping for fame one day.

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