

Nowadays our phones have become our new best friends, we carry them wherever we go to, sometimes even into the toilet too. We do most of our works with and in them. They're our assistants, Some people even call their phones their offices.

This bonds we have with our phones is one that is difficult to break. Oftentimes when we wake up from sleep, the first thing we do is to reach out for our phones. It's now in our subconscious and we just do it unconsciously.

The Advent and use of these gadgets have disrupted and altered a lot of things and patterns.
These days, family times are not what it used to be, it's been influenced and adulterated by the presence of mobile phones. Although these mobile phones somewhat add glamour and spice to these times when used properly, they also do a lot of bad as they are agents and instruments of distractions.

One solid advantage of the use of phones during family time together is that with these devices, beautiful moments can be captured and these pictures would serve as a memorial in subsequent family gatherings.

There are quite a lot of debates as to whether phones should be allowed during family gatherings or not. But considering that the disadvantages of having our mobile phones during family gatherings outweigh the advantages, I think it's reasonable enough to say that phones should be put away during family times.

So what is Family time ?

family times are basically times family members gather. They're times set aside by family members to have fun, discuss, play games, work and do other stuffs together.

Family time could be in the form of family dinner, family meetings, family parties etc, and during these times, it is expected that family members pay attention to each other and spend quality time with each other

So Why Should the phones be put away during these times. What are the advantages of putting away phones during family times.

  • There is no distraction during interactions :

When family members put away their phones, they have less distractions, they are more focused and present-minded. They have the opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations, to listen and hear out each other , and connect with each other deeply.

  • They have the opportunity to spend quality time together:

With the phones away, quality time is assured. Family member can do manual fun stuffs together. They can play board games, tell stories and go places together.

  • Relationship is strengthened : When there is no phone distractions. Family members focus on each other and spend quality time together. Because of these times together, memories are made and they build stronger connections emotionally. Unity is fostered and family love grows.

  • No pressure to document moments.

As much as it is important to capture and document beautiful family times, family members often times do not fully and organically enjoy each other. The pressure to capture these moments on screens rid them of the opportunity to enjoy authentic moments. These moments are now captured on screens and watched later like movies instead of being etched on the walls of their hearts.

  • Family Traditions Nurturing :
    It's easy to uphold and nurture and reinforce old family traditions when there is no distractions from our phones. Example, a family that always sings together after dinner can do so and not rely on playing music with the mobile phones.


These are just a few advantages and reasons why it is important to put aside our phones during family time. There are also some challenges and disadvantages of putting away our phones during family times.

The Major challenge is resistance by family members. Yes, family members accustomed to phone usage may resist the idea of a banning phones. It may result to a heated argument which may consequently make some affected persons shun family gatherings, thereby ruining the essence of everything.

A very significant disadvantage is the fact that individuals may lose out on different opportunities because they put away their phones and were not available to respond when calls or messages came in. Also emergency situations that needs urgent attentions and responses may not be attended to.

To conclude, I would like to say that it is important that phones should be banned during family moments but considering the hurt that may result from putting away our phones. It is important that we strike a balance. My suggestion is that family members can leave their phones in the hands of someone with an order that these phones should only be broy to them if the situations are critical. Where there are no persons to leave the phones with, they can be allowed to visit their phones every 1 or 2 hours, just to check if there was an emergency.


Thank you so much for reading, hope you learnt a thing or two.

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