Why should I choose Freelancer? | (Freelancer Or Full-Time Employee)

Hello Everyone

Work is the only way for us to earn income in the form of money and we will use the money to meet the needs we want. Generally, we work to earn income (Money) so we are required to work hard and get the income that we target and want. in this day and age, there are many types of work that we can do to earn money. The types of work that we are interested in can be of various types. but in general the types of work that we know today are divided into two aspects of work, namely full-time work and part-time work (freelancers). Which of these two types of work is more profitable? for me part time work (freelancer) is very profitable. Why is that ? so, I will write about this in this edition. I hope this article will be interesting for all readers.


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Why should I choose a freelancer?

I chose a freelancer because for me this job is more profitable and produces more and in terms of time for me it is more efficient. Why is that ? First I will explain in terms of the time we use. in terms of time, we can manage our time optimally without being regulated by the system and superiors of a company. we can work anytime and anywhere we want without being bound by a system and we can also work according to the time we want, the important thing is that the work we do can be maximal and most importantly perfect and without errors.


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Second, in terms of profit. We can choose the type of work that suits our skills. because for me, we will be happier and more comfortable with what we enjoy doing. For example: the hobbies that we are involved in can be turned into something more productive, such as writing hobbies, photography hobbies, sports hobbies, editing hobbies, planting and farming hobbies and so on. basically what we enjoy and we are involved in will be more profitable if the work we do will be far from bored and make us bored from a job.

Third, in terms of income. we can choose for ourselves what kind of work we feel is profitable for us. and those that are profitable are greater in terms of profit and income. such as examples of types of work that are trending and can provide large profits from the work we do.

But it's also important to know, all types of work must produce random results, we work diligently and work hard and improve the skills we have so that the results we get from a job can be maximized and get income that is in accordance with what we do.

Maybe that's enough of my writing in this edition. I hope my writing this time interesting for All readers. I apologize if there are words that are not understood. great respect from me as a author

Regards @kingpost99

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