Teamwork makes the dream work.

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. —— African Proverb.
An underestimated soft skill that many overlook is Teamwork. It’s true that many put it in their CV that they are great team worker. But is that really true? When it comes to displaying that in action, we see different scenarios that shows otherwise. Each individual has their own set of skills and strengths. Hence when everyone works together as a team, it can improve efficiency and productivity. It can also enable the team to be better equipped to solve problems and deal with challenges.

Unity is the foundation of every teamwork. If the members are not in harmony, then nothing would be accomplished.
I first learnt the importance of teamwork from a moonlight tale when I was young. Those were the days when Granny will sit me down in the night and tell me stories, and the lessons I cal learn from them.
She asked me that day, “do you know the story of the Tortoise and the Hare?”
“Of course Grandma.It’s quite popular”. I replied.
“Tell me”.

Then I narrated how the Tortoise and the Hare planned to have a race. The Hare, overly confident in his ability went to relax while the Tortoise was steadily running his race and won. That is why we have the saying: Slow and steady wins the race.
“Do you know that the story does not end there?” Says Granny.
“Really, tell me more about it.”

“The Hare knew that if he was serious, there was no way the Tortoise would have won, so they fixed another race. This time the Hare took no chances. He gave it his all and won. The Tortoise being a clever animal would not accept the defeat just like that. They both have individual strengths, so he would take advantage of his own. Therefore he planned for another race, this time on another route. The Hare was on a head start normally, but he soon got to a river. The race route continues at the other end of the river. But of course the Hare can not swim. So he stood there until the Tortoise meet him, swam across the river and won the race. The Hare can run fast, the Tortoise can swim, so both of them harnessed their strengths to win.

“Now I have gotten to my main point. The Hare and Tortoise eventually became good friends, and they sat down one day to think about how they can run the last race better. They got the idea and set to work. On the starting line, the Hare carried the Tortoise on his back and started running. Getting to the river, they switched positions. The Tortoise carried the Hare and swam across the river. The Hare carried him again and they got to the finish line.”
I could not help but applaud how the story ended.

What is the lesson there? At the end of that race, they both felt happy and proud of their achievement. This proves the fact that team work will always beat individual effort. When you put together your strengths and abilities, you are able to get more productivity and tackle challenges.
So always be ready to work together as a team with your coworkers. They are not your competitors, rather you are there to achieve the same objective. Listen to them and get advice from them. When an effective plan is made, follow through thoroughly.
This soft skill is needed not just in the workplace, but in almost every facet of life.

Whatever your dream is, teamwork can help you realize that dream.

This is my entry to Day 17 of inleo writing prompt for the month of June.

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