My Tale to Tell; An ever-changing reaction to rainfall.

At this age and time, whenever I see kids walking under the rain, a part of me screams; "This is wrong in every way. Parents, get an Umbrella for your kids, will you?". Haha. On second thought, I scream back at my thoughts "How typical of you to want them to get an Umbrella. Have you forgotten your childhood experience with rainfall?"

It's interesting to see how my reaction to rainfall seems to change with the passage of time, although I don't know if it's in a good way or a bad. Seems like it's hard to draw a line between good and bad in this case.

My childhood reaction to rainfall;

When I was a kid, I enjoyed getting drenched by rainfall. Being from a very hot country like Nigeria, the coming of rainfall usually suggests that the weather is going to be cool. And, goodness knows that I love cool weather.

At that time, it doesn't even matter if I was outdoors or indoors when it is raining. Once it starts raining, you can bet your life savings that I will surely get soaked by rainfall. Lolz. It happens this way because I often try to fetch water directly from the rain through some funnels which are designed at the edge of the zincs used to roof the house we lived in.


I don't know about the rest of the world, but the scarcity of water in the area I grew up warranted that kinda reaction to rainfall. So, whenever I notice that it's about to rain, the next thing on my mind is to get as many water containers as possible and position them at strategic positions where I can fetch enough water to fill up our drums, galloons and every water container at home.

If you know anything about this, you will know that it isn't an easy thing to do, but the fact that I was getting drenched by rainfall made it so much fun.

My current reaction to rainfall;

Clearly, not everyone likes to be drenched by rainfall and you don't have to be a scientist to know that. You just have to get wet on your way to an important interview 🤐. How about that? Haha.

At this very moment, I would rather stay indoors and enjoy the sound of rainfall clashing with the rooftop of buildings than be directly wetted by rainfall. And, it's funny that I have this type of reaction to rainfall because I'm the kinda person that grabs any slight opportunity I get to walk into the bathroom and pour water on my body.

The most recent memory I got of being beaten by heavy rainfall was a month ago. This happened when I went for grocery shopping on a Friday night. Before I could finish with the shopping, a heavy downpour started and I wasn't ready to risk walking under that rain. I decided to hang around somewhere and wait for the rainfall to stop, but the bloody rainfall wasn't having any of it.


It rained to the point that I was getting too uncomfortable to be outdoors. At that point, I had to do my plus and minus to know how to go around that situation. I didn't want to be drenched by rainfall, but I was more worried about wetting my phone. The phone is like a mini office which I use for my daily work. I wasn't ready to risk getting it soaked by rainfall.

On second thought, staying out any longer may lead to a situation where I would be locked out by the gateman and I wasn't ready to make a scene for getting home late. Lolz. What a dilemma.

Long story short... I wrapped my phone with nylon and dragged my feet into that rainfall. I didn't even try to jog or run. I was walking like someone who doesn't have any idea of what was happening around him.

I was like; What's the whole point of running when I will still get wet? Haha. You know what? I went home that night, washed up and had the most peaceful night's sleep I've ever had in a long time.

Now, I wish to do that every day, but... Mehnnn... I can't or won't. Haha.

That experience made me realize that despite my current age, I still enjoy getting drenched by rainfall, however, I prefer not to get beaten by rainfall except if that is the last resort.

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