The Beauty of Purple Kencana Flowers


Hi all This afternoon I will show you all some pictures of ornamental plants that I got near my home page, for me this flower is very beautiful with a very bright color and water dripping on it, below I will explain a little about how This flower grows and grows so it looks so beautiful.

We often see this flower next to flower gardens or we can also find it in the forest, because this flower is easy to grow, the flower is usually called the purple golden flower or pletekan flower which has seeds which when exposed to water will explode..

This golden flower is also white, and still has seeds, only the color is different, in my area there are only purple ones, we rarely see white flowers, this kecana flower is very much found in the Java area, because in There is a very fertile place or land, this flower can also be used as a medicinal herb, such as the stems being boiled and mixed with other ingredients.

On this day I can only take pictures of some of these flowers for me to show to all my friends this afternoon, all of you can see more clearly below how the shape and color is clearer, all of you are curious about this purple golden flower, below the picture is as follows:





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