The One Silly Thing I Did That I’ll Never Forget

Hello everyone in the wonderful hive blockchain. I hope you’re all doing well and enjoying the weather wherever you are. Once again, I’m grateful to the hive learners community for their amazing initiatives.

Discovering this community is one of the best things I ever did since I joined hive. Besides the fact that writing for this community has helped improve my writing skills, I’ve also met beautiful people and improved my engagement game.


The hive learner’s community has presented us with another amazing topic and I’m glad to be participating in it.

I must say this topic is very interesting. Why? Because it made me remember the silly things I did while growing up. When I saw this topic, a lot of memories flashed in my head, and I felt like writing all (one hundred or two hundred, maybe?), but sadly I only got to choose one. Just one silly thing; very sad.

Do you remember the silly things you did when you were a kid? I laugh so hard when I remember the silly and sunny things I did when I was a kid. Sometimes I almost got in trouble, but most of the time I escaped the consequences.

Humans are not perfect. We are bound to make mistakes and do silly things, especially when we are young. Thankfully while exhibiting those silly behaviors, our parents, guardians, siblings, friends, and elder ones were there to protect and caution us.

Growing up, I was the kind of kind that believed in a lot of things; for real, I believed in a lot of silly things. I was smart. Yes, I was very smart. I had good grades and I got prizes for that in school (hehe, I’m not bragging, I’m just stating the fact). But I believe in silly things like wish fairies, tooth fairies, and all.



I know my story of “one silly thing” might sound funny (it’ll definitely be funny). Hehe, please don’t laugh at me. Now that I think about it, I was just so stupid🤦‍♂️😂.

I grew up with my siblings and cousins; I spent most of my childhood with them. Although my cousins didn’t live in the same house as my family, their houses were just a few blocks away from my family house, so they visit often, and sometimes they even sleep over.

I started watching movies at a very young age. I probably fell in love with cartoons when I was in my mom’s belly😂. Even now, I still love and watch cartoons. I watched a lot of movies when I was young; American, Chinese, Korean, and all. The one that I enjoyed most is MERLIN. I’m sure a lot of you would’ve seen the series.

I remember my brother bought season 1 of the movie and we all (my cousins) sat down in the living room to watch it. Seeing the movie together as a family was really cool; the vibe was top-notch.


I fell in love with the movie. Oh boy! Did I fall so hard.. maybe too much? I fell in love so hard that I started to believe magic actually existed. You know how kids love and aspire to be like superheroes; Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, and all? Yes! I wanted to be like Merlin. Merlin the magician.

My elder brother was that guy. Do you know the guy that likes cracking jokes and playing pranks? He’s my elder brother so my thought was that he knows a lot more than me. So I went to him to teach me how to cast spells.

My brother is that guy who didn’t tell me the movie was fake and that Merlin couldn’t do magic in real life. Instead, he told me to get a dress like Merlin (a blue scarf tied around my neck, a brown (I think) jacket and a pair of pants). I got everything, and I even got a long stick that looked like Merlin’s.

My brother told me that if I successfully master the spells, I’d be able to summon my own dragon and that I’d do this at midnight.

I was so happy that I’d become a magician. I decided that the first thing I’d do after I mastered my spells was to build a big mansion (with magic, of course) where everyone had what they wished for.

So I started practicing the spells. I watched scenes over and over again, jotting down Merlin’s exact words. My brother didn’t say anything about it, he don’t even laugh. He just sat down beside me, encouraging me to practice well.

After about two days of writing spells down and cramming them on my head. I was fully ready that I could say the spells word for word.

So that night, I couldn’t wait till midnight, I asked my brother if I could cast my spells before midnight and he said I should put on my Merlin’s dress and hold the staff.

I dressed up like Merlin. I didn’t need the spell book because I had crammed the words in my head. I stayed in the middle of the living room, and just when I was about to call my dragon🤦‍♂️ my siblings and cousins all burst into laughter. At first, I was confused, but when my cousins explained, it was then I knew I had been pranked. Silly me, I wasted my time doing rubbish and learning spells.

Even after that silly prank, my brother still pranked me another time with an old cup. He said it was a genie lamp🤦‍♂️😂.

Now that I think about all those silly things, I’m not mad at myself, I’m just happy because I have nice and interesting memories.

Thanks for reading.

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