Creative-Sunday - Titanium šŸŽ¶ šŸŽ¤

It's Sunday once again, so time for another Creative Sunday with the Hive Learners crew! This weekend, I shared my take on the empowering song "Titanium" by David Guetta featuring Sia's compelling vocals. I chose to sing this impactful anthem because its message about inner fortitude and resilience really clicks with me.


The bolstering lyrics of "Titanium" are all about having an unbreakable spirit within you that can withstand any trial life throws your way. When Sia vigorously sings "You shoot me down, but I won't fall, I am titanium," it gives me chills every time. Her words are so dauntless and defiant, about standing stalwart in yourself even when others assail you or try to tear you down. Sia's refusal to crumble or fold facing adversity is really inspirational.

To me, this song represents conquering all the impediments, doubts, and tribulations that obstruct you from being your best self. It reminds us that even if we lose sight of it sometimes, we all have an inner puissance. Per the lyrics, we are impenetrable even if we get injured or face major letdowns. There is a core inner strength inside each of us that keeps us resurging again and again, no matter how many times life knocks us down.

I listen to "Titanium" whenever I'm dealing with difficulties and need some extra gumption to keep persevering. When I feel utterly vanquished by life's challenges, Sia's soaring vocals give me pluck and spark to silence my doubts and negative thoughts. The anthemic song empowers me to tune out the critics and gainsayers and keep striving for my dreams. It reminds me to tap into my stalwart spirit.

I think "Titanium" resonates with so many because we all face times of tribulation when we have to draw on our inner strength. The song speaks to that indomitable piece of ourselves that never abandons hope, even in the bleakest of times. It takes our hand when we feel overwhelmed and says "you've got this" and "you are strong." When Sia sings "Stone-hard, machine gun, firing at the ones who run," it makes me feel valiant, giving me renewed grit and determination.

Overall, I find "Titanium" to be such an empowering and uplifting anthem with a universal message. I wanted to share my own version with the Hive Learners crew, to hopefully inspire others the way it inspires me. Even with the audio issues I experienced, I hope my rendition encourages people to tap into their inner titanium core of resilience whenever they face challenges.

Regarding the audio issues, I did realize after recording my vocals that the instrumental track playing through my Bluetooth speaker was way too loud. No matter how passionately I sang, the booming instrumental overwhelmed my voice. I tried to fix it a bit by adjusting levels using editing software, but it still didn't sound balanced. However, I didn't want this technical glitch to stop me from sharing this meaningful song.

Even with the imperfect audio, I hope my cover of this anthem can speak to that inner strength we all have. We might lose touch with our resilient core sometimes, but it's always there inside us, making us impenetrable. By sharing "Titanium" this Creative Sunday, I want to inspire my fellow Hive Learners to stay strong and believe in themselves, just like the bolstering lyrics say. Our inner power makes us titanium.

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