Exam Day Adventures: Triumphs and Trials

Two exams are done and dusted. 5 days left.

I was very happy when I saw the exam questions because they were easy. They were easy because I had taken my time to study the course and prepare for the exam.

However, I was told to submit it when I was about to answer the last question. This was because my coursemate asked me a question. If I had ignored her, I would have been tagged as a wicked person or someone who isn't their brother's keeper.

Unfortunately for me, the invigilator caught me whispering answers to her and asked me to submit my answer script, saying that the much I had written was enough already.

I tried to beg her but she turned deaf ears to my plea, reminding me of the fact that my docket was not seized.

Honestly, if it was seized, the story would be different right now.


Photo by Monstera Production from Pexels

But then, I have learned my lesson. Before I answer anybody in the exam hall, I will make sure that I have completed mine and be smart with whatever I do to avoid being penalized.

This exam was great tho, though I am confident about my answers. The night before the exam, I attended a night tutorial class, and the class focused only on financial accounting, especially the calculation aspects I needed help with.

A lot of questions on petty cash book, bank reconciliation and cash book were solved.

When it was time for me to attempt my questions, I answered them confidently.

In the calculation aspect, one was compulsory and I took my time to post them in the cash book correctly, also opened other subsidiary accounts respectively.

Tomorrow afternoon, the course we will be doing is Business Maths. The problem I have and hope not to experience during the exam is forgetting the formula and steps to solving a question. That's my major concern.

When the topic was treated in class, I made sure to follow, and pay attention so I would get the concept. I have been studying and revising, I hope that my hard work pays off.

I just have to prepare well for tomorrow's exam and other upcoming courses.


Photo by RDNE Stock project from Pexels

Something else happened today, and I have learned a lesson from that as well.

As part of my plans to avoid incurring so much expense, I bought a bottle of groundnut, a sachet of Sugar and cassava flakes. The plan was to take the cassava flakes more often so I wouldn't spend so much on buying food at school.

However, I have changed my mind and may likely not take those cassava flakes again until further notice.

Well, I know it was my fault. I slept last night without eating any solid food and woke up this morning without eating anything before the examination started at exactly 9:00 A.M.

We finished the exam at exactly noon Instead of me to buy some good and solid to eat, still trying to save money and spend less, I decided to bring out my groundnut, sugar and cassava flakes.

After enjoying the sweetness for a few minutes, I did not escape my stomach-upset torture.

For some reason, my stomach started aching so bad that I couldn't walk straight anymore.
It was even worse because there was no place for me to lie down and so I would feel relieved because students who had afternoon exams to write had completely occupied all the classes.

After trying a few things and finally buying good food, I felt better.

Remember I did not sleep the previous night because of the night class I attended, and this made me feel sleepy after the exam.

I was able to locate where my sister was, the place is called Coca-Cola. It is a big restaurant that has a lot of chairs and tables.

Without wasting time, when I got there, kept my bag on the fall close to my leg, adjusted the table, and had a good, refreshing nap.

I must have slept for over an hour, I can't remember, but I know I felt re-energized after the nap.

Also, I did not leave the Coca-Cola restaurant immediately, I stayed until it was 7 PM, when I went to buy another swallow that I hoped would sustain me for the night and the previous morning. When it was 8 pm, I left there and went to my class to charge my phone and write this post.

As I type now, I am headed to the class we will be having the tutorial for business math.

I am hopeful that tomorrow will be great. Meanwhile, I will do my best tonight to revise.

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