Alcohol with no benefits

Alcoholic drinks are injurious to health, and everyone knows this very well. Instead of it, people take alcohol. The reason is quite simple for most people and it's an addiction. Although there are some people who take alcohol occasionally, their numbers are very few. Hard drugs are heroin and cocaine-type substances. Those are also harmful for us.

Both alcohol and drugs cause various kinds of damage to several organs of the body. Cancer, anxiety, and losing control are the results of taking alcohol and drugs. Hard drugs are prohibited in my country, but people can get them in illegal ways. The government is trying to control it, but because of corruption, controlling anything related to drugs is very difficult because major earnings from those drugs are sent to some powerful people in my country as well as political leaders. In fact, the police are also involved in it. So there is no way to control the supply of hard drugs.

In the case of alcohol, it is not fully banned in my country, but sales and consumption are heavily restricted in my country. My country is an Islamic country, and Islamic laws don't permit us to consume alcohol. So in open places, it's impossible to see someone selling alcohol. Based on some statistics, it can be said that the spelling of alcohol is mostly done secretly at night. The surprising fact is that there are a huge number of people who drink alcohol. In the past, people used to hide it because of it, but in recent times, young people speak about taking alcohol openly with pride, which seems ridiculous to me. I think they are not doing anything good, and no one is benefiting from it except the businessmen.

Aside from health issues, there are some more. A financial issue is one of the issues. Alcohol and hard drugs are not cheap. Having money all the time to buy those drugs is not possible for most people. For arranging the money, those people don't hesitate to do stealing, robbery, hijacking, and so many other illegal activities. It increases the crime rate in my country. Again, after taking those drugs and alcohol, people start to lose their control. A human no longer remains a human after losing control, and anything can be done; even killing any person is nothing in that kind of mental state. The family member suffers the most damage. Domestic violence can be an impact of alcohol, and quarreling for money is very common and disturbs the peace of a family.

Many people who take alcohol demand that it help them forget about their pain and suffering and give them relaxation. It's totally wrong. It's because alcohol does the almost opposite thing, and in the case of forgetting pain and suffering, I don't think one needs to consume alcohol on a regular basis because pain and suffering don't come every day. They just need to give an excuse to take alcohol, and that's it.

The businessmen of alcohol and drugs are the people who are trying their best to increase the number of people who consume their alcohol and drugs. The more they can sell, the more they will make.

If the government wants to control alcohol and drug activity, it must catch the businessman first, and the remaining things will be controlled automatically.


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