My entry for the Hive Learners contest " W39E2 " | This Is My Story

Hello friends #hive everyone how are you I hope you are always in good health

Greetings to all of us in this beloved community, today I am back in front of my eyes to share stories about me. Before continuing to the discussion, first of all I would like to thank the Hive Learners community for giving me the opportunity to take part in this contest. As we all know this week is week 39 of the second edition of the contest in this beloved community.


getting to know someone is of course something we need to know and there are lots of friends who don't know us, therefore we all need to tell them who we are, and on this topic according to the title of the contest I am present before your eyes to explaining to all of you who I am, and of course everyone has their own identity and getting to know each other in this beloved community is an attraction for me because it binds relationships between bloggers around the world by knowing and getting to know each and every member deeper there is.

Who am I ?

I am a man who was born in the country of Indonesia which is in the province of Aceh and when I was born into this world I was given the name Edi Suryadi and that name continues to exist and stick in my heart and mind which makes people recognize my identity, both in school or elsewhere, a few years ago I was present on various social media and one of them was this blockchain social media and finally I decided to give my ID on HIVE is @idayrus and actually the name idayrus is the opposite of my last name namely Suryadi and I returned by reading from the back and I started from I so the reading was idayrus and that name continues to be known in various places on social media where until now many people in the real world have known and called my name as idayrus and I am proud have a name like that and people also do not hesitate to call my name because it is considered very normal and unique.


I was born in 1997 until now I am about 25 years old and I have a birthday on May 14th and I keep waiting for my birthday even though sometimes no one celebrates but still I am proud of my birthday, and hopefully on next year a lot of people are coming to wish me happy birthday and i'm looking forward to it, LOL. I am a simple person and my family is not rich but enough for daily needs and it is an honor for my family to achieve something of responsibility, and until now I have realized that I am a very mature person because I am also 25 years old of course many people also think that I am a fairly mature person in all fields.

Currently I am still single and I am not married, at the age of 22 I planned to get married about 3 years ago but at that time several obstacles occurred in my life which prevented me from getting married at that time but because of that incident my future wife was left me until I was titled as a single person for quite a long time, and I plan to get married if I get the right person and hopefully soon I will get a suitable candidate for my life, and I am also a person who is quite experienced in various fields and I am also a person who is very patient in dealing with problems, there are also many people who say that I am a person who is quite friendly to the environment because I am very easy to get along with various kinds of people.


I'm not very good at judging myself but many of my friends say that I am a person who understands new things very quickly, sometimes it's difficult for other people to understand something but I can quickly explain what other people need and maybe this is one of the things that being proud of others and of course I am personally very proud of myself because I have adequate abilities, but still many of my friends have extraordinary abilities because as the saying goes that there is still a sky above the sky, still we should not be arrogant with what we have today because we do not know how long the strengths that exist in us will last because today we may have very different abilities from other people tomorrow even other people who are much smarter than us then from that we are all just grateful for what we have today and still we are fellow human beings a must help each other for those in need and that's what I do in my life.

Alright friends, maybe today that's all I can tell about myself and if there are mistakes in writing I apologize profusely because I wrote in my regional language, namely Indonesian with the help of Google to translate into English and so on. from me until we meet again in the next discussion of course in this beloved community.

NOTE : I write in Indonesian with the help of Google to translate to English



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