A wise man once said, every worker is entitled to his wages and I totally agree with him. As humans, we all have the opportunity to work at some point in our lives and by so doing we are rewarded. The thing is, sometimes we are rewarded below and other times above or just what we should get. In so many parts of the world, a lot of workers are shortchanged due to one reason or another and it has caused a lot of problem over the years.
Getting the right wage or salary for a work done has become a problem because people have become more greedy and selfish. Most employers find it hard to reward their workers to standard because they know they can get a replacement most of the time or some other reasons, so they don't care if they lose a worker. And that has also affected the rate at which people take working seriously because they know they can be dropped at any time so all they truly want to care about is their wages and salary.
As regards the issue of equality in the payment of wages and salaries among workers, I think it is totally unwise to adopt such payment pattern anywhere. A lot of people have different attitude towards their work and as an employer, you should be very vigilant in this regards so as to avoid not giving recognition to the ones that put in their all to working for you.
It is very important that workers performance be reviewed and rewarded according. A lot of workers no longer care about the growth of the company or firm they work at, all the care about is how to defraud people to get more incentives. So as an employer, you should always make sure to appreciate those that are true to their jobs and encourage them to do more by giving bonuses and other incentives.
I believe that one way to encourage people to do well is by appreciating them for doing a good job and also punishing them for doing a bad job. By adopting this method, a lot of people would be more concerned of doing a good job and that would help a company grow better and as an employer, you won't even have to worry so much of the bonuses you give out.
Here is one case study, I once saw a situation whereby a worker was not doing so well at his job and his employer got to find out. Instead of the employer to just relieve him of his duties, he gave him more pay and asked him to do a better job. At first I found that ridiculous but I got to realize that the worker was part of those that started the business and that was one reason the employer gave him a second chance.
Also the worker had some issues that he was trying to settle and that also affected his performance at his job but because of the way his boss approached the situation, he was able to do so much better that his co-workers were so surprised at how much he improved. Well, not everyone would do well after a second chance but then I believe we all deserve one.
Having a minimum wage is a good idea but it is not out of place to identify those that are putting in their best and reward them more. I know people are evil and may want to cause harm to sure persons but then, it would be a rule for advancement, if you want a good pay, do a good job!. Also I'd make sure people get their pay at the time agreed on because I've come to realize that most employers are now fond of paying their workers whenever they want which is not ideal.
This is my thoughts on whether or not workers should receive equal pay. Until next time, stay AWESOME and JIGGY!!!