The Future of Technology: AI, Blockchain, and the Impact on Our Lives

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I like the sci-fi movies very much, and form my childhood I am watching them. I always think of that will we also get the same technology those movies shown. The most of the sci-fi movies are based on the imagination and I always feel that those imaginations are the inspiration for many persons for the development of technology. For one example the movie Star War is one such movie which is still inspiration and reason for many developments are reality now, which were the imagination in the movie. If we look back, not much just 25 years back then we saw their is huge change in the lifestyle and our surrounding because of the technology development. The development in sectors like communication make many positive changes, the development of internet on mobile phones has make many things possible. The mobiles are not just mode of communication they are more then that, we never think of that 25 years ago but now it all is possible and we all are using it every day. I still remember that the internet was a rare thing and we use to visit the cyber café to access the internet but today it is available on our smart phones very easily and very fast. If we do not upgrade ourselves then their will be good chance that we will be called the old school.


The impact of technology on our world today has been nothing short of surprising or impressive. With the peace the developments are going on they are unstoppable. The things which seems like impossible or we imagine in the dreams are also possible in real life with the advancement we have now and is going on. In the next coming years the development will be exponential and we will see some awesome inventions for sure. If I imagine the next 25 years then I see two technology that will be focus and had the ability to change the future - First is AI. The AI is expending their reach and already exist in almost everywhere from our phone to kitchen, you name the item you will find him for sure. The AI is at its initial stage and many more has to come. The development of auto driven cars and the robots will evolved in coming year that the both will be reality soon. The robot will assist the aged person, will assist in kitchen, in hospitals. They will make our life more easy on one side but will change many other sectors also. The very first effect will be on employment, their is no doubt that it will take job of many persons. On LOC and front end the robots will be the first defense of any country. And what if the AI inside the robot try to over rule us and try to takeover the human kind. This will be one of the worst situation when we have to fight against the machines we build for our help and assistance.


How I can forget to mentioned the blockchain technology. I can clearly see the many good developments going on in blockchain technology. The sector wise development is still in progress as we still see so much scope. The blockchain is not just crypto currency, it has many more use case. In coming years we will see the expand of blockchain technology is sectors like healthcare, real estate etc. The cryptocurrency will be accepted worldwide and we will see more use case of crypto currency. I am witting for the day when we will be able to use the crypto freely in our country.


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