Positive Approach, Initiative & Efforts - Mantra to Success

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Hello all Hive friends

Hope everything is good at your end.

Our day begins with a race as soon as we wake up in the morning. There is always a rush to get things done. Students are in a hurry to avoid being late for school, while others are rushing to make it to work on time. Luckily for me, it only takes me 10 minutes to drive from my home to the office, during which I usually listen to the radio. While most of the time I listen to the news, I occasionally switch to a song. This morning, however, I tuned in to a story about a rabbit that visited a smith shop every day.

As rabbits are fond of carrots, this rabbit would come to the shop every day and ask the smith if he had any. The owner got irritated by this and one day, in a fit of anger, punched the rabbit, breaking its teeth. The owner then told the rabbit that it would not be able to eat carrots anymore and would not come to the shop asking for them every day. However, the next morning, the rabbit returned and asked the owner if he had any Gajrela , a type of Indian sweet made from carrots (soft sweet). The speaker on the radio linked this to the concept of sakaratmak soch, which means positive thinking or attitude.

Despite not having teeth, the rabbit still had a positive approach and was able to find other ways to eat carrots. The owner's thinking was proven wrong as the rabbit returned with a positive mindset. This story had me laughing by the end of it.

A positive mindset alone isn't sufficient for achieving success; it must be coupled with initiative and persistent efforts toward reaching the goal. While initial attempts might result in failure, each setback serves as a valuable learning experience. Every endeavor teaches us what actions to avoid in the future, propelling us closer to success.

Just recently, Indian scientists made history by becoming the first to reach the South Pole of the Moon. This accomplishment was not the outcome of a single flawless attempt. Instead, it was the culmination of unceasing dedication and a resilient positive outlook. The first try didn't yield the desired results, and even the second attempt saw the lander crash during landing. However, did these setbacks deter the scientists from their mission? No, they persevered.

The initial endeavor, while not triumphant, was still a success in its own right. It provided an invaluable learning opportunity and showcased their enterprising spirit. The second attempt brought them tantalizingly close to their goal, yet adversity struck in the form of a crash. This setback, however, failed to dampen their motivation. Undeterred, they embarked on a third attempt, which proved successful.

In summary, success is an amalgamation of positive thinking, proactive actions, and unwavering perseverance. Failure is not the end but a stepping stone toward triumph. The journey of the Indian scientists to the Moon's South Pole exemplifies that even in the face of multiple setbacks, determination and a can-do attitude can lead to eventual success.

The same principle holds true for Hive as well. It starts with having the right attitude and taking the initiative. If you never join in, how can you gather knowledge? The next step is making attempts and persistently striving forward, disregarding the fear of failure and leaving negativity behind.

I've observed users expressing their dissatisfaction about not receiving acknowledgment on the platform. To them, I would advise: keep making attempts, even second and third ones. Success is an eventual outcome of unwavering perseverance. If you don't invest the effort, recognition for your work won't naturally come your way.

This is my first post in Hive Learner community. I am trying to involve more and more and try to learn more and more.
Thanks for reading the post.

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