Democratic Journey: Challenges, Rights, and the Voice of the People

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India is worlds biggest democracy county. Democracy means -government of the people, by the people, for the people. In this system of governance the people has the power and they participate in the voting process and choose their leaders for certain time. The voting right give the power in the hands of peoples. Its the majority of people or I will say the person get the majority of votes become the part of government for next five years. As I say India is one of the biggest democracy county and that also means the population wise also we are on top. Its not easy to handle such a big number of peoples and I consider the big population as blessing as well as the curse. The bigger population means the higher number of resources are required for them and if we have the resources then the big challenge is to make availability of those resources to all. Its not at all easy to make every one happy in such big numbers.


I am not a kind of man who has much interest in politics but that does not means that I do not cast vote or not worried if find that the government is not going well. I always cast vote and participate in building the nation by selecting the government. In my opinion you do not have the right to question the government if you do not take part in building the government by castings your vote. Its very rare to see any real politician who care about the others or their constitution, most of them care about you. The corruption, crime and the scams are always get associated with politicians. How effective is the democracy it all depends on how efficiently the elected people works towards their people and area. But if the people cast the vote based on the religion & cast? Then I will say their is noting wrong with the politicians or system, its the people who voted based on the religion & cast. In my opinion this is the current situation I can see around me. Its very old technique - divide and rule. We know this what still let the politicians to apply this on us. This is our biggest weakness. On the other hands its not easy to be honest in this dirty business. You will get entrapped even if you do not want to be. Its very difficult to understand who is right and who is wrong.


The control over a big population and make everyone happy is not possible. Difference of opinions will always be there and one decision may good for some one will be completely opposite for otters. Making laws and taking decisions for the betterment of majority for people of country is always welcomed but if so some people of community has any problem because of those laws or decisions then government at last should listen to them. We live in a free country and ever one are also part of the system so they also has the right to free speech and its very bad if the government do not listen to them and even try to buried those voices. Its a fundament right of all people living in the county to protest (peaceful) against any issue they have or against any law or decision for they have differences. But is the government do not care about at all and even try to putting the people in jails who were protesting, threatening them by Enforcement Directorate, CBI or by different government agencies the I will consider as the death of democracy.


What I write is what I feel on current situation in my county. People are hopping for the good and government should understand that its the people of country who give them the chance to be ruler and if people give then support then they can withdrawal also next time. Taking away the fundamental rights form the people of county will give the feeling that everything is in control but it will work for short term, in long term it will make the situation worst only.

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