Being a good girl brought out my silliness

Greetings to you all my neighbours on this wonderful platform. In response to the hive learners weekly contest week 34 edition 3, i will be writing about an event that occurred about 10 years back when I just got admission into one of the federal university in my country,


and cook for the family before she left to go and have her siesta, that was the first time she asked me to cook, since I had always stand as an assistant whenever she was in the kitchen and never really measured anything before, as I entered the store room, i was expecting to see the cups we had in Lagos, but didn't see any, what I saw was a very small white rubber cup and a medium sized juglike looking cup,

I thought of asking her, but remembered she said she needed to take a quick rest, without thinking much, i decided to go with the bigger cup, at least it was close to derica cup we used in my family house I thought, i measured the four cups out of the bag and went ahead to cook the jollof rice, after cooking I had a very full pot of rice ready,


i thought to myself maybe she was expecting some guest as it was just me, her and her little daughter in the house and she doesn't like cooking much food at a time unless she was expecting some guest.

Aunty! Food is ready, i shouted so she could hear me in her room, as she had instructed me to let her know when it's done, few minutes later, i heard her scream Jesus!With a loud voice, apparently something was off, on getting to the kitchen from the sitting room where I was, she looked at me intensely and asked, Glory, how many cups did I ask you to cook?, 4, I answered, are you sure you measured 4? She asked again, yes I am, i replied and went ahead to bring the cup from the kitchen, when she saw the cup i used, she started complaining that was not the cup she instructed me to use, it was actually the smaller looking cup, and how she hated people wasting food, she was angry, i thought, because she told me clearly that I had to finish the food, she angrily left to her room, that was how obedient me carried the remaining food after she had taken what she wanted and for her daughter too because they don't remain rice in the house, I sat down in the kitchen and started eating straight from the pot, so my aunty won't be angry anymore, because if I ate it all, it's won't become a waste, My brother and sister, i couldn't do more than myself as normally, i don't eat much, i tried to force myself just to please her, that was how she came back to the kitchen and was shocked to see me consuming rice straight out from the pot, she started laughing that few tears dropped from her eyes, i guess ehe was really amused at the position she saw me, and said, so I actually took her word seriously, she felt pity for me and told me to stand up, i should not kill myself, she had already called our neighbour to send her children to come over and take some left over food so it doesn't get wasted. Ha! I felt relieved and silly at the same time to think i could finish a full big pot of jollof rice.

It was then I learnt that the cups for measuring food stuffs differ in different states of Nigeria.

If you read to this point, thank you so much for taking your precious time to read through.❤❤

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