The 3 red flags

Hi all this is @furiousboy and this is my post submission for this week's contest.

It has been quite a long time since I have not shared any thoughts with Hive learners, I was really busy with a few personal things due to which I could not actively contribute or write anything for this community, but writing and sharing my thoughts is the best therapy for me.

Talking about the striking things for me or the striking traits I can see in any person are:

1. Denial:

I have seen many people who are so blinded that they do not see their own mistakes and their own doing and when someone tries to show them or try to make them notice about their mistakes or doing they just won't accept it.

No offense to any gender, age, or community but I personally have noticed this trait in many of the youngsters these days and especially in high school kids again these are my views, and I think the major reason for this would be the environment they are growing in or I can say the era they are growing in, with the ease of availability of the internet on the fingertip they are exposed to many such things which I believe could have waited for few more years as these fresh minds would have been in a position to reacted in much more mature way and would have taken such thing into consideration in much more mature manner.

Though this is not just limited to kids/teenagers these days but to adults also and especially people with Western country's ideology(it is my thoughts I don't have any proof of concept or anything all these are based on my experience of my surroundings).

2. Interfering in others life/business:

This is another trait that I don't like in any person, and unfortunately, there are many people in India with this specific set of trait, god knows why it is like that but I have seen many people around me in my surrounding who are always interfering in another's life or matters.

And I believe it is one trait that most of the Indians would hate but still, this is the one skill most of them possess, and I believe this is a second nature for such people to interfere in another's life matters. This is something which is now a new trend in corporations also, people now in corporations are more interested in what others are going through or what they have to work on or what they are doing, rather than focusing on their own tasks.

3. Showoffing by Talking about their plans/life:

This is something which I hate the most, I hope you guys can relate to it. You guys would have come across to someone like this in your lifetime so there would be someone in your life or surrounding who always talks about themself or their plans or giving the reason of why they are tried today or why their eyes are puffy by giving reason like "Yesterday I partied hard", "I could not get a sleep last night because I was busy watching football", "I am planning to go abroad for further studies", "I am going for a party tonight that's why I excited and energetic today", "it's really difficult and my life is completely messing up because of all these plans, I could rest because of that".

There is just one thing I would like to say to such people did we ask about it, who cares about it, no one is interested in knowing about your life or your day unless they are your parents or your loved ones.

These are the 3 red flags that I don't like in any person, please let me know about your thoughts and the 3 traits that you don't like in a person in the comment section below.

Thank you for stopping by keep reading and keep supporting me.

Note: The banner is created on canva by my self.

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