7 Ways Money Helped Me In My Life


I'm not one of those people who would say that money doesn't buy happiness. I've used my money in many ways over the years to improve my life and the lives of people around me. Without it, I wouldn't have been here today talking about it. Here are 7 different ways it helped me in my life:

To Buy Things That I Want

Money can help you buy things that you want, and this can be a good thing. It’s important to be able to do things that make you happy because life is too short not to enjoy yourself every now and then. Money also helps me buy the things I need in order to have an easier time doing what I want to do. For example, when I was in college, the money I saved from teaching my society kids helped me get a decent machine. So that I won't have to bug my friends for doing my assignments using theirs. Nowadays money helps me pay bills & monthly interest payments on my house. Without it, I won't be having the good life I am having now.

To Help Me Do What I Want To Do

Money can be used to buy things that will help you do what you want to do. This could include equipment, a space for your event or business, or hiring people to assist in the planning and execution of your vision. For example, if you want to throw an epic party but don't have the funds for an open bar or enough food for everyone who shows up (or even just one more bottle of Champagne), money can help with that too! 😂 Alternatively, you can buy courses to learn a skill or start a business to make more money.

To Reduce Stress And Worry

A lot of people think that money is the root of all evil. The truth is, it's actually the opposite. Money can help you reduce stress and worry by:

  • Helping you pay your bills, debts, and other unexpected expenses
  • Saving & investing for the future
  • Paying for holidays and vacations
  • Paying for your children's education (if they go to school)

To Learn How To Manage My Emotions

Money can help you develop the skill of managing your emotions by releasing a lot of weight from your shoulders. It's a skill that everyone should have. You'll find that if you're able to manage your emotions, you'll be able to handle things so much better in life: from minor problems to major crises. And once you get good at handling these situations with ease, then the money isn't as important anymore because it's not something holding you back from being happy and successful.

To Improve My Health

  • Money can help you afford to eat healthier food.
  • Money can help you afford to exercise regularly.
  • Money can help you afford the right medical treatment in case of an emergency or injury.
  • Money can help you afford health insurance, which makes sure that if something goes wrong with your body, it’s covered by a plan that will pay for the necessary treatment without breaking your bank account.

To Travel

Money can help you travel to places you otherwise wouldn't be able to afford. Traveling is a great way to learn about other cultures and learn about yourself. It's also a great way to meet new people and make new friends that could introduce you to new surprises in life. It can be used to make holidays and vacations memorable. If you want to do something nice for your loved ones, you can easily book a trip with them because who doesn't like to explore? There was a time when I wanted to go on a trip to the Himalayas but none of my friends were free except one. But he didn't have money although he wanted to go. Guess what, money helped me pay for his tickets and room as well. We enjoyed our time together and even talked about our goals in life. 😋

To Get Access To Closed Networks & Opportunities

I cannot remember how many times I have missed and grabbed opportunities to meet cool people in my life because of money. It can give you access to groups of people who are more intelligent or experienced than you so that you can learn from them and get ahead in life. For example, if you want to go to Hivefest it would cost you a lot of money to live and attend the 4-day event. Unless you live in Amsterdam. Most Hivers are coming from different countries. Without money or sponsorship, it would not be possible for most of us to attend. That's a huge opportunity loss!


Money is not everything, but it can certainly make your life better. I know that when I don’t have enough money to pay my bills or buy groceries, it can be stressful and bring out my worst emotions. I used to fight with my family & friends and started blaming others for my incapabilities. The same goes for when I have more than enough money it has helped me buy things that I want like a new car or house. Money has also helped me do what I want to do by providing the means necessary for travel or investing in crypto. By reducing stress and worry about finances, money allows me to focus on other aspects of my life such as health or relationships with others (or even just relaxing with my kid!). What's your reason to earn money? Comment below!

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Not financial advice. For infotainment purposes only.

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