My Hive Goals and Strategies for Achieving Them


Whenever we start something new, uncertainty is there. New knowledge and the initial learning process are usually overwhelming. It's important to grab a helping hand if we find it and most importantly layout the goals to achieve what we want.

I didn't just casually start on Hive; I put a lot of thought into every aspect, laid out goals in my mind and pondered for days if I could give enough time to meet those. Only when I figured that I could do this then I signed up for it.

Although I had previous blockchain experience, but Hive did seem overwhelming to me because of plenty of tokens, games, interfaces, exchanges. I'm not used to asking for help and prefer learning things on my own at my own pace. But when I got to know about this initiative for newbies, I was like, okay, grab this opportunity.

I will learn above-mentioned things with time anyways; I am most concerned about building my profile here. The first task of the program is just what I needed to strictly follow a plan in order to meet my goals.

Since the task is all about goals so it's time for me to officially create a roadmap for myself.


What are the benefits of setting goals?


In daily life, when I make a to-do list before starting my day, I feel that I have control over things. I feel less distracted and stay focused on the tasks. If for some reason, I am short on time then I prioritize tasks. This keeps me motivated to keep working towards my goal even if less important tasks couldn't be done.

God knows, I have never been able to stay on track when I don't plan the day. I end up doing less important tasks first and procrastinate the tough and important ones.

However, I am at an advantage due to my ambitious nature; I am pretty determined to grow on Hive so I am surely going to use this goal-making strategy here, otherwise, I know I will be lost which I clearly don't want.


What are my Hive goals?


If I have to answer this in a sentence, then I would say:

"I want to be influential enough to significantly support the good content-creators and contributors and I would love to get a swarm of genuine comments on my every post."

Did you notice, I didn't talk about rewards here? I would be lying if I say I don't want those. The thing is, we are talking about goals here and if I achieve these goals then rewards will come along automatically.

Remember priorities?

There are numerous ways of getting rewards which include quick schemes and wrong ways. But I am only looking for growing organically to have a positive influence in the long term. So my goal and my aims should be directed towards those areas and not solely towards rewards which could be easily misleading.


As ambitious my Hive goals sound, I can't achieve those if I refine those smartly. Like @starstrings01 explained in this post, we need to make S.M.A.R.T goals.


Let's S.M.A.R.T-ify my Hive Goals over the period of 7 weeks.

Deadline of last task is December 2nd so I will layout my goals that I can achieve in that time frame.


🎯 Hive Power Goal

Achieve 500 HP by Dec 2, 2022.

📝 Strategy

According to my account's stats, I am earning 4+ HBD and 9+ HP in Author Rewards on average in a week which makes roughly 17 HP in a week, if I powerup everything.

So, If I power-up all my rewards during these 7 weeks, then I will be making 119 HP.

However, my goal is to get 500 HP. I already made 87 HP in the first month of joining and let's say I will be making 119 HP from my author rewards. That left me with 500 - (119+87) = 294 HP.

How am I going to make the rest of 294 HP?

I will participate in HPUD of November and December and for that I plan to invest in Hive to top-up my remaining HP. I will have to buy 300 Hive to reach the target.

HP Accumulation Strategy in next 7 weeks
Target500 HP
Current87 HP
Make Author Rewards117 HP
Make Curation Rewards-
Buy/Invest300 HP
Tentative/Expected504 HP

This is just a rough estimate. I can increase my author rewards by posting more quality content and then I will have to invest less. But life happens all the time, there will be days that I won't be able to post something or don't get good rewards. Either way, I will make 500 HP by the end of this program.


🎯 Followers Goal

Get total of 300 followers by Dec 2, 2022.

Number of followers doesn't matter to me as much as number of genuine followers. Having 1000 followers but getting no engagement makes the following useless. So, my goal would be to gain genuine followers.

📝 Strategy

Since my account is old, I already have 269 followers which I believe are mostly ghosts now and I myself had been a ghost for years, so I no longer have any relation with my old followers.

My plan is to get in touch with users who are like-minded and with whom I share interests and hobbies. I will engage on their content regularly and chat in relevant Discord channel every weekend.

For instance, I enjoy reading so I already try to casually chat about it on Hive Book Club channel and exchange my thoughts with other book-lovers.

I believe this way I can make a better and authentic relation with other users and most likely make them follow me. Followers gained this way will definitely be genuine ones who would love to interact with me and vice versa.

Fridaychat in Hive Book Club discord
Saturdaychat in Ladies of Hive discord
Rest of the weekchat in Hive Learners, Smile discord
Daily Engagementengage on 5 posts by unique authors


🎯 Engagement Goal

Get at least 5 meaningful and genuine comments on each of my post.

"Content is King, Engagement is Queen and the Queen rules the house." 😉

I need to create quality content to attract readers and to get engagement I need to reciprocate the same.

I am not aiming to make hundreds of comments in a week because those will not be genuine but forceful and I will not receive the kind of response or build a relation with my readers that I am looking for.

📝 Strategy

Make 5 meaningful comments on 5 unique posts daily.
Engage via DreemPort, 3 times a week.
Join Social Groups as last resort because here I will most likely be making and getting forceful and hasty comments due to rules.


🎯 Consistency

Dedicate at least one hour to Hive every day. 

One hour sounds too less but if I spend only that amount of time every single day for 7 weeks, it's going to make a huge difference.

On the days when I will be creating content, I will have to spend minimum 3-4 hours on a post. Rest of the days, I won't disappear, I will make sure to at least engage on others' posts. So one hour is just the lower limit.

📝 Strategy



🎯 Reputation

Reach 60 reputation by Dec 2nd, 2022.

Reputation entirely depends on the votes I will be getting. I have no control over those, but If I stick to my above plan then I am hopeful, I can easily cross 60 and if put more effort then who knows I will be sitting at 65. (:

📝 Strategy

Stay consistent and follow the above plan strictly.


Possible Hindering Factors


  • My kids and family

I am a mom of two small kids who need me all the time. With the help of my husband, I make time for Hive and other hobbies. Most of the days, we manage but some days get harder. But that's how life goes. Keeping in my mind my busy routine, I haven't made unrealistic goals for myself that I won't be abe to achieve and only feel bad about myself at the end of the day.

  • Life

I will be honest, I don't plan to spend every single minute of my free time on Hive. I wil follow the plan I shared above and rest of the time I will live life. I will paint, read, travel, cook and all the things that I love because that's how I am going to find interesting content to put on my blog. If I glued myself to Hive 24x7 then I will bore you and myself down because then I will have nothing interesting to share. 😀


I made small yet productive goals. To me quality matters more than quantity. It might slow the process of growth, but the end product will be fruitful and long-lasting.

Huge thanks to @vickoly for being a great mentor.


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