The Loan I Never Regretted Taking 

The Loan I Never Regretted Taking

The kind of information we get about certain things is responsible for how we project those things to be. Trust me, 90% of the information I had about taking loans was terrible. Seeing the police come to arrest people who fail to remit their loans on time was something scary.

All these things made my heart detest loans. I don't take it and I don't give out. That was my principal. I can give you money but I can't loan you.

Experience has taught me so much, I remember a time I gave out money to one of my friends to be paid back within a stipulated period of time. When the time reached, I went to get my money and I was disappointed, I got apologies and dozens of explanations in return. Since then, I vowed not to lend money to anyone, if I can't gift it to you, I can't lend it to you.

I also do my best to stay away from loans because I don't want to spoil my relationships with people. There was a point in my life when I saw anyone talking about loans to me as someone who wasn't serious about their lives. I felt like nothing at all could ever compel me to take a loan.

But they say, "Never judge what you have not experienced before. " Sometimes people do things not because they want to, but situations sometimes force them to do it.

Last year around March, the phone I was using suddenly started having faults. The screen went bad just like that without falling or anything tempering with it. I went and fixed it for about fifteen thousand Naira, a few days after fixing it, it started giving me symptoms of going blank again.

I felt so bad about the whole thing and decided to sell the phone thinking the money would be enough for me to get another one for a while but after selling it the money I got wasn't what I expected and I thought, why buy a fairly used phone, when I can get a new one that would serve me without faults? So, I decided to hold on for a while but the need for a phone kept hitting hard.

Unfortunately, I wasn't having money anywhere else apart from my Hive Power and I couldn't have access to it until after a certain period of time if I was to power down.

That was when I didn't need anyone to advise me to take a loan. I met my big sister and discussed my predicament with her and I was lucky as at that time she was having some contribution money which would not be demanded anytime soon.

So, I persuaded her to lend me the money and she did. That was how I was able to get the balance to get a new phone.

Paying back wasn't a big deal, I started powering down prior to when I spoke to her about the loan, and by the following week I already started remitting until I paid back everything completely subsequently.

It was then I knew that taking loans isn't as bad as I thought it was. It's people that complicate things for themselves by taking loans when they know they won't be able to meet up with the deadline or take loans to do irrelevant things that won't give them back the money to pay back.

For me, I enjoyed the loan I took, I got a new phone and continued my blogging work. I could write without being scared of battery, snap pictures for posts and do other things seamlessly. I never for once regretted taking that loan.

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