
"He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls. Proverbs 25:28"

I stumbled on the scripture above yesterday night and it got me thinking about how my life's city walls might have been broken through by a lot of habits, temptations, addictions and the likes, it got me thinking about those subtle things i might have over looked that are slowly becoming things I subconsciously can't bring myself to stop, things I need to take more cognisance of, they say "realizing you have a problem is the first step towards solving that problem and denying it's existence will only delay it's rectification" well, I do realize now I have flaws, I have addictions, I have habits that I have built knowingly or unknowingly, they are counter productive and are slowly taking me away from my goals and if I don't do anything soon enough well, I'll probably remain the same if not worse.


Indiscipline is definitely the major reason I can't stay consistent with anything I do like I have mentioned before in a previous post of mine and if I want to become a better version of myself, I can't continue to live the way I live and expect a change to magically happen, I think they call that madness "doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result", over time I have found motivation to be ephemeral and it has not done much to keep me consistent in doing whatever i've set my mind to do, which is why I don't care much for motivation.


John Maxwell said there are three catalysts for change

  1. People change when they hurt enough that they have to change
  2. People change when they learn enough that they want to change
  3. People change when they receive enough that they are able to change.
    I probably would say in my situation, number 3 suits my current status.

Yes, I know, it's that time of the year people start making new year resolutions and all, people are all hyped up and filled with bubbly emotions about the coming year and what it brings and you guys probably think i'm just being emotional and won't probably follow through with the plan I make.


Well for me this is not a new year resolution, it's a new life resolution because the decisions I make now would have a domino effect on how the rest of my life turns out to be and I definitely don't want to live a life of mediocrity.

Building a disciplined lifestyle would definitely not be a walk in the park and as much as I would like to think I can do this on my own, I don't trust myself enough to follow through without giving up along the way hence why i'm turning hive to my journal, documenting my growth process, perhaps knowing that I have to be accountable to a lot of people would keep me consistent.

I do hope in the coming year I can come back here to give you guys a positive update on my growth, thank you for reading.

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