
Have you ever started something with so much enthusiasm only to go through a downward spiral of boredom after a few days into that which you had started, then eventually just give up and move on to the next exciting thing?.


Perhaps you've set a goal you plan to achieve, and probably worked on the set goal for a few days only to suddenly give up on it??.

Well, you're not alone if you're on this table, this has been a constant battle of mine that I hope and Pray to overcome someday. I can't say for sure why this happens or why I feel this way, It's like I'm pumped about starting something new this week, and the following week I don't even want to talk about that same thing, not to talk of doing it and constantly I ask my self why?, Where did it all go wrong?, What changed?


Of course, this little habit has forced its way into other areas of my life. As a forex trader, planning is everything, however, sticking to that plan is another different ballgame, and both are essential in becoming a profitable trader. The irony is that i struggle with inconsistency in a field where consistency is the literally the key to profitability. And surely, you can guess the effect my inconsistency has on my profitability😢. If you can't, well let me help you out, SAPA(serious absence of purchasing ability) that's the only effect.


The same could be said about my academics as well, sometimes I'm super excited about reading, this occurs mostly when i've just created a new reading time table, the excitement only lasts for a week or two though and well you get the gist.

This annoying cycle of extreme excitement and extreme boredom keeps going on and on and it occurs basically in everything I do, I'm a living testament of the saying "How you do anything is how you do everything".
I might not be consistent in other things, but i'm definitely consistent in being inconsistent (God please help me😅)


The fear of being tagged an unreliable individual is why I have to share my struggles with the amazing minds on here.A problem shared they say is half solved, hence why I'm reaching out to anyone out there,I'm open to any tips on how to overcome this problem of mine, Feel free to share your story in the comments if you also struggle with consistency and how you're tackling the issue.

I look forward to the conversations we'll have on this topic. Thank you for reading.

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