Relax, and get my point. The issue about democracy is in the meaning. Look at the simplest definition of the word democracy; government of the people, for the people and by the people. If we begin to analyze each of these three key features that make up this definition, you will realize just how dysfunctional everything is from the grassroots.


Look, i hate to talk about politics. Well of course, I read the news, I see the news, i try to keep myself up to speed on all the happenings around, but then, with everything happening and with how it happens, it all can be so discouraging.

During the last year's election, for the very first time since i was eligible to vote, i went and got my Voter's card and was so hyped up as the rest other people about voting. It was the first time, besides the end Sars protest that I saw the people, particularly the youth all come together, in one voice, advocating and campaigning for a course.

The campaign was massive. And you know what too? We had people traveling down from different states and across the country for it.

People showed up, people showed out, people pooled resources, people were lending their voices both off and online, they lent their platforms, smart ones did their bits, street-savvy ones did theirs. This one time, the people were united for one course.In every single manner in which they could show solidarity/help, they did. And by Jove, we were all sure, that for once, finally, we had seen the light. It's really sad to think about right now.

We were all so certain, that this one time -take away the finish of the election that we hadn't expected- that with the crowd in play, there was no way that there would have been jeopardy in the electioneering process. But hey, stuff happened. We knew there was a likelihood. I knew so, given how corrupt officials can be, that things would have been corrupted in the process but with the turn of events with the masses, no one expected it to go the way it did.

Usually with elections around here, there's vote buying. In that case though, people were ready to go because there had been so much enlightening and education on the demerits of selling their tickets for a speculated better 'new years' nad for what....peanuts.

It was like a reunion. Like a blend of different colors making a picture. It was warm to see that we could put aside our differences to be active and support a goal.

Like I said in my opening statement, The problem of democracy is in democracy because first, the elections consisting the whole process, the actual taking of power is usually not engineered by the people as should be. Cause, tell me why people would have to exercise their civic responsibility and still be denied their right/choice. There's still the evils of deploying thugs to ruin the process causing physical hark to voters in the process. There's the ballot box snatching. There's also use of force to make people vote for candidates who aren't their choiced ones. It's all too many. Very draining both mentally and physically. It's all unfair. Absolute foul play.

How do we say that democracy is for the people, when....look at my country, does it exactly look like the government care about the people?
Of course, of course, the answer is so glaring to see.

I'm not one who doesn't believe that there is o room for improvement and change.
Right now, I don't know how it's going to happen. Maybe just one day, one time, somehow, we could get to witness a new dawn. However, i think, if the voices of people are taken into consideration and for one time, the wishes of the people are granted, that could just be it. The first step to us living in the true meaning of the word.

Thanks for gracing this post.

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