I Never Expected My Truth to Get Her Fired.

Lying is pretty much common amongst us humans. People tell lies for different reasons, depending on the situation they happen to find theirselves in.

Of course, lying is wrong and it's definitely not something to be proud of but we can agree that not all the lies we tell are intended to cause harm. Sometimes we tell lies inorder to save ourselves from trouble, to not hurt the feelings of another person and even to prevent ugly situations from getting worse.


However, while some of us choose to tell little white lies, some certain persons derive total satisfaction from hurting people with their gruesome lies. They lie their way out of punishment and they are often pleased with their devious achievements.

As for me, lying has never been comfortable. People know me for being very honest and transparent because that's the way I was raised. So whenever I happen to tell a lie, I'm left feeling so uneasy.

However, there have been certain times when I chose honesty and told the truth but ended up with serious regret.

One remarkable time happened to have occurred when I was still in high school.
Then, I was known to be very responsible and trustworthy. I was also made the class captain of my class .

Being the head of my class, I was put in charge of recording the attendance of all the different teachers that came in to teach us their subject everyday.
At the end of every week, I was meant to take my attendance booklet over to the principal's office for review. The principal never actually bothered to check the booklet, he would simply just ask me if our teachers were doing their jobs well. I guess that was probably because he really trusted me.

However, there was this female teacher who was in charge of taking us chemistry. We were meant to have chemistry class four times in a week but she would only show up in two of these classes and would even use 30 minutes to teach instead of the usual 1 hour for a class. This made her classes so undetailed.

She would often explain to me how she couldn't make it to her classes because of the hard time she had with motherhood and also because of the traffic she constantly meets on the way while coming to school. This prompted me to cover for her on several occasions.

Of course, it all started to affect us as we all began performing poorly in chemistry. This wasn't good because chemistry happened to be our core subject and we would soon be taking our final exams.

Another day came when I was supposed to submit my attendance booklet to the principal for review.
On getting to his office, he started to ask me a lot of questions concerning our chemistry classes and requested that I be completely honest with him.
Knowing that our chemistry final exams were at stake, I decided to tell him the truth. But I never expected him to react the way he did.

He immediately summoned our chemistry teacher to his office and began to query her. He yelled at her from the top of his voice and it seemed like he had given her a warning before and she was being monitored.
He asked me to excuse them, so I left his office and went home. I felt bad throughout the day and kept on thinking about the incident.


The next day, I arrived at school and news reached me that our chemistry teacher got fired.
Of course I never expected it to reach that extent and I felt so terrible. She lost her job because of me and I couldn't help but wonder how she and her children were going to cope.

At that point, I really regretted telling the truth and I kept wondering if I had even done the right thing.

This post is my response to the @hive-learners weekly posting topics for week 32 edition 03 on the title "Liar Liar".

Thanks for reading!❤️

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