I Can't Stay Annoyed With My Family.

Everyone was built differently. Therefore, we all possess different characters, beliefs and points of view in different aspects of our lives.
When we fail to understand and accept these differences, it can often lead to series of disagreements and conflicts therefore making it difficult for us live together in harmony.
There are some things which some certain persons do that get us so annoyed and we feel great anger burn inside of us. Most times it even feels like we can never get over it.


However, there are some persons that we just can't remain annoyed at for long no matter what the case might be. When they get us angry to whatsoever extent, there will always be a time limit for our emotions. And no matter how much we want to maintain our anger, it totally suppresses.

I do have a lot of people that I just can't stay angry at for long. This is probably because I've learnt to always control my emotions and anger is something I do not allow to get the better of me.
When these persons get me annoyed, I try my best to not let my emotions rule my thoughts and actions and I try to look at things on the brighter side. Before, I even know it, I start to wonder why I was even annoyed in the first place.

My family is one of the people I just can't stay annoyed with for long. Of course, I've lived with them my whole life and we share a great bond so there is only room for love and togetherness amongst us.


I've gotten so angry at my family so many times and every time I do, I assume my anger will continue for a long time. Well, no matter how much I want it to, it only lasts a few minutes.

My parents have gotten me so annoyed a lot of times with some decisions they make. Sometimes, without even trying to understand the reason behind their decisions, I get so angry at them. When they choose not to give me what I ask them for, I feel so much annoyance. But then, I try to understand that they only know what's best for me and my anger completely vanishes.

I've also gotten really annoyed with my siblings so many times. We would often get into disagreements and misunderstandings and not talk to each other for some time but then, in a few minutes, it's like nothing happened and we started getting along again.


Also when my little brother who is very playful, doesn't listen to me and destroys my stuff and things in the house, it gets me really annoyed, but as usual I can't stay angry at him.

In conclusion, anger can be very burdensome and we need to learn to normalize channeling our energy away from anger into something more position. Anger is a very normal emotion and it's something we can't avoid. But at the same time we shouldn't stay angry at someone for a long time. When we practice communication and reconciliation, things will definitely get better.

This post is my response to the @hive-learners weekly posting topics for week 34 edition 02 on the title "Mild Annoyance".

Thanks for reading!❤️

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