The Test That Almost Took My Life.

Life is always full of surprises. No man can ever predict the future, anything can happen at anytime, that's life for you. No matter how prepared and conscious you are somethings are meant to take you by surprise, this might be opportunities,test, examinations and other things...

When it comes to impromptu test,we all have our various experience and stories to tell. Most of this impromptu test happens in schools and we are later forced to get used to it. But imagine when this test comes in other areas of your lives, it usually hits different, you all will agree with me on this one.

My Story


I decided to join the sports team while in school. My dream was to become an athlete, so I had to find a place to work and improve very hard on myself, and the school team was the best and one that was very closest to me.

When I got into the team newly, I found out that there were so many people better than me,this would be a big competition I said to myself. I had to work harder to beat my competitors so that I can be selected among the best so that I can be selected among those who would represent the school when the time comes for interschool games.

It wasn't easy for me, you see the way people sprint like flash and you feel intimidated and oppressed. But I knew if I work hard then I would also be like them because it was my calling, I only had to put in the work to get the desired result I was expecting, and be highly prepared for opportunities to come,you have to pay the price to get what you want.

The test

It was a normal training day, but I wasn't feeling too strong, I had malaria but still had to show up for the training because there was an upcoming games the following month.

After taking my drugs, I decided to go for training, the plan just to work on myself a little and rest or come back home by taking a permission from the coach.

When I arrived at the training things did not turn out the way I planned. I bumped into my teammates looking all serious and prepared like they were going for the Olympics. When I asked what was going on, I was informed that the sporting director of the state was here and he wanted to get the names of the top sprinters that will represent the state in an upcoming competition the following week. They wanted to test and screen all the sprinters to get the best out of the best in various teams.

This was an impromptu test, I wasn't strong and prepared for this. I knew I wasn't strong, but this was a rare opportunity, as qualifying for this might open more doors and opportunity for me, I just decided to try instead of giving up like that because of my health.

I joined the test, and it was time for 200m race the one I was good at. We were all set on our mark and when they blew the whistle the race began, and the next thing I found myself on the floor were people gathered around me and they were not smiling at all. When I asked what happened they told me I collapsed, I had been in the floor for almost an hour and they were trying to resuscitate me, they all thought I was gone.

I later told them that I wasn't feeling too well but decided to join the test. I was cautioned by coach not to try that again, I should have not risk my life for just an opportunity that might still come again. I learnt my lessons and apologized, I also thanked everyone for helping me when I collapsed.

This also taught me a general lesson not to risk my life for an impromptu opportunity or test again. Do not panic for any urgent test, they will come and go, so far there is life opportunities will never seize to come.

This post was inspired by the Hive Learners community as it was part of the topic in their weekly contest.

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