10 minutes is enough to change everything.

If I was given 10 mins to travel back then I would change all what I went through for 8 years.


I had visited my uncle that faithful day, I didn't meet him at home, I was told he went to his store where he does buying and selling business. Since the store wasn't far from his house, I took a bike to get there. I got there and I saw him having issues with his workers and complaining how they were stealing from him. I felt pity in my heart and I said to my self how can one person be working so hard and people that he trusted be stealing from him.

After he saw me and we exchanged pleasantries, he suggested that I should start working for him even thou I was still in high school. Because of the pity I felt for him, I happily agreed and told him I would tell my parent. I did told my parent and they said on what ground should I go and be helping him. I went back to ask him and he said he would sponsored my going to the college when I'm done with high school.

I was really happy when I heard that not knowing I would spend the next 8 years with him and still not go to school. So the next day I relocated to his house and I started working immediately. I was in charge and in no time I became conversant with everything in the store.

After 2 years it was time for me to write jamb and go to the university, he didn't say anything about it but I went ahead and still wrote the jamb examination. I got a good score and was even given an admission letter to come and enroll, i showed my uncle and he said things are hard he wouldn't be able to sponsor my school fees this year but maybe next year things would be better.

The following year I still wrote another examinations and the same thing still happen, I was hopeful that things would change for the better. Mind you my parent were really trying to survive and so sending me to the university would be a very difficult thing to do at that moment. So I had no options than to wait for my uncle to help me.

I waited until I lost hope of ever going to school, my younger ones were already done with high school and are waiting on me to go to the university so they can also go too but that didn't happen because I kept waiting instead of leaving and go look for something else to do.

If only I rejected his offer, things would have turned out different for sure, and I wouldn't have gone through what I went through back then.


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