Dressing up shouldn't be that hard


I don't really know how people take dresses in the very early centuries, I bet it is not what we think of it today. I have read different stories on how people just cover their nakedness with animal skin.

Judging from that action, I think it actually stands for what clothing's stand for in the olden days i.e. clothing are to cover our nakedness, provide shelter and keepnus warm.

Thank God, the world has evolved from just using animal skin as shelter or to cover nakedness.

We now have more than animal skin to cover ourselves with.To even think about it, wearing clothes made of animal skin or from animal produce these days is far more expensive than wearing regular clothes made of cotton. In fact, they are considered to be luxury items

I learnt of how fabrics made from silk ( silk is a produce from the cocoon of silk worm, a silk worm is also an animal, even though it very tiny) are very expensive and considered luxury for the people who wear them.

What use to be of common use out of no choice in the past is now considered luxury.

Nowadays, depending on the occasion, people do not dress to just for shelter. People dress to match the event they are going for i.e. cooperate in terms of job related events or casual if it is something informal. People also dress to show off their wealth or class sometimes as well.

Jumping back to the topic of whether it is a dilemma to pick out clothes to go out, for me, I would say, it is a dilemma and it is also not a dilemma. Depending on the occasion.

Even sometimes, it is not even dependent on the occasion,because figuring out a casual wear sometimes can give a little bit of an headache, because even though it is a casual outing, I still want to look a certain way.

I still want to look organized and proper, because I have discovered one thing, when you look well put together, it boosts your confidence and also makes relating with people easier.

And if you are the type that takes networking seriously, trust me you wouldn't want to look anyhow.

That is why sometimes for me, picking out clothes to wear can be a little bit tasking. It could be because I don't really have a lot or because I don't have the staples. You know staples that are versatile and that works anyhow you style it.

I recently watched a youtube video of essentials that a girl must have in her wardrobe. After she listed them out, I found out that I don't have many of them, I guess that's why it is quite hard for me sometimes.

She mentioned having a black dress, white shirt and tshirt, black shirt and tshirt, some simple neutral tone gowns and black and blue jeans. Scanning through my wardrobe, I realize I don't have anything white shirt let alone tshirt, neither do I have black.

Black dresses makes me feel hot because of the heat absorbing property of the color. So I don't see myself grabbing black dresses while shopping.

White dresses, I feel you have to be extra careful wearing them, I don't like the fact that I have to take extra precautions because I am wearing a particular color, reason I don't buy white dresses either.

But if that is going to help my dilemma about picking an outfit to wear reduce drastically, I would like to try them out. So that me dressing up to go out would no longer be hard.

Thank you for stopping by, see you in my next post

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