Procrastination Is Indeed A Thief Of Time.

As individuals, we all grow up to have one weakness or the other. This might be a negative attribute or character that keeps us from being outstanding in any aspect of life we find ourselves in.

Each individual weakness is quite different from one another, some might find having a soft heart for people, playing, procastination, lack of time management, and the more as a weakness. Some are not quite discerning enough to identify their weakness which is really bad. When an individual can identify his or her weakness, it will help such an individual to find a solution to such weakness. When the source of a problem is known, it is always easy to find a solution to resolve the problem on time.

As we know, it's a good thing to learn to manage our weaknesses and overcome them before they get the best of us. I know many of you are anticipating to know my weakness.

The major weakness I have is procrastination. As we all know procrastination is a thief of time. It limits the rate of productivity. There are instances where I wish I had never procrastinated in carrying out some task in the past because it affected me negatively. There are lots of opportunities I have missed as a result of this attitude of mine.

I remember back then when I was in school. There were times I procrastinated in reading my course materials early enough and this act later affected my performance in such exams. Not only that, even when doing house chores, i tend to procastinate my postponing thing i ought to do at the appropriate time. There are countless of time that i rush to do things at late hour and this limit me in putting my best in carrying out such task. It's quite disheartening when you realize that you have a lot of potential but due to procrastination, you can't maximize such potential at its best.

Since I could identify my weaknesses, I tried as much as possible to create a structure that would assist in overcoming such weaknesses. I have realized that the harm procrastination has caused me has outweighed its advantages. In fact, I will say there is no advantage in procrastinating. It is just a time waster that has nothing good to offer.

One of the structures I created in overcoming this weakness is by planning my day. I make sure I list out every task I need to do for each day and I schedule a time duration for it. Ever since I started utilizing this method it has really enhanced my rate of productivity and the level at which I procrastinate has reduced drastically.

Another structure I created is the act of time management. I ensure I discipline myself to take held to the scheduled time allocated for each task. I don't allow pleasure to take over the time I needed to carry out a task, this has really been helpful to me.

With the above measures and many more, I am proud to say that the level of procrastination has greatly reduced and I'm more productive than ever before.

Thanks for reading.....

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