My village


As an archipelagic country, Indonesia has panoramic views of the coast, sea, mountains, waterfalls, forests, and rural nature with stunning rice fields. Indonesia's natural beauty is an attraction that is able to attract domestic and foreign tourists. Indonesia has extraordinary natural beauty. This beauty is certainly not shared by all other countries.


As citizens we are obliged to maintain all the natural beauty that we have so that this beauty is sustainable and can be enjoyed by future generations. Beautiful nature and abundant resources are gifts from the Almighty given to the Indonesian people.


Indonesia is a country that is crossed by the equator which has many places that are famous for their beauty and natural wealth. Indonesia's natural beauty stretches from the tip of Sumatra to Papua. These places have become famous tourist attractions, such as the island of Sabang, the Raja Ampat Islands, Lake Toba, and so on. Every place has natural resources consisting of biological natural resources, such as the diversity of animals and plants, and non-biological natural resources, such as beautiful beaches, lakes, mountains and rice fields.


My village called Teungoh, Syamtalira aron sub-district, North Aceh is a place where we gather and enjoy beautiful natural scenery, a place away from air pollution and the hustle and bustle of the city. I feel peace and tranquility while in this village because the characteristics of this village are that every road is surrounded by very attractive rice fields and trees that make it cool.


When morning comes it is always accompanied by the sound of a rooster crowing as if to wake us up who are still asleep. Besides that, when the sun slowly appears to reveal its bright light, the farmers walk out of their respective homes to go to the rice fields and gardens. But currently, in the rice fields, only farmers are seen plowing their fields that have not been planted with rice.


Farmers in our village also look for grass for their pets such as goats, buffalo and cows. In this village, the average population works as farmers, such as growing kale, spinach, cucumber, long beans, etc., and many also plant tubers such as cassava, sweet potato, and there are also coconut trees, areca nut trees, and fruits. such as mango trees, papaya, banana, jackfruit, so they can meet their daily needs - they do not have to buy because their needs are already available from the results of their own gardening.

Our community here also upholds the principle of gotong royong to help each other solve a problem that is being faced or when someone is struck by a disaster or when there is a wedding party,
on the habit of the attitude of the people here is friendly to receive new people or guests. Guests are the most special people. In our culture, guests are considered the most respected and valued people.



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