Portrait Photography Round 89 | Facing symmetry | ESP / ENG

Usually people's faces are quite asymmetrical, in fact if we take half of a face and fold it in a digital processing programme, the result is not the same person. The photograph of Silvia is not folded and I have made it in some face symmetry tests. In this case I have left the original photo as I thought that the model's face was not excessively asymmetrical, apart from that, I loved her pose and her deep look at the camera.


Normalmente la cara de las personas son bastante asimétricas, de hecho si tomamos la mitad de una cara y la doblamos en algún programa de procesado digital, el resultado no es la misma persona. La fotografía de Silvia no está doblada y la he realizado en unas pruebas de simetría del rostro. En este caso he dejado la foto original puesto que me ha parecido que la cara de la modelo no era excesivamente asimétrica, al margen de eso, me encantó su pose y su mirada profunda a cámara.


Unless stated otherwise, all the pictures and the words are mine.
Do not use this image without my written permission.
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Camera: Fujifilm X-T2
Lens: Hasselblad 90mm f:4
Processed with Capture One

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