Daily Photography/ >77

Altas Cumbres



The mountains of the Cordoba province in Argentina, with their particular mix of rocks and greens, native mountains, that straw-yellow pampa that sways gently with the passing wind, is like a furry friend or something like that! Haha

I particularly like them a lot, their rivers and the stories they can tell, give a rustic touch to any panorama in which they are found. the routes that cross them are always a great and beautiful walk to take even if you don't really have to go somewhere, just walking them is enough to admire the landscapes, the views, some of the local fauna, the immense condors that fly over the peaks and ravines , a bit of all that have the high peaks.

Here I leave you just a glimpse between them, of some clouds that could be seen on the horizon, it seemed that it could rain but in the end these threatening clouds were retained on the other side of this mass of standing stones.


Las sierras de la provincia Cordoba en Argentina, con su particular mezcla de rocas y verdes, montes nativos, esa pampa pajosa amarillenta que se mece suavemente con el pasar del viento, es como si fuese un amigo peludo o algo asi! haha.

A mi particularmente me gustan mucho, sus rios y las historias que pueden contar, le dan un toque rustico a toda panoramica en la que se encuentren. las rutas que las atraviesan siempre son un gran y lindo paseo para dar aunque no tengas que realmente ir a algun lado, solo recorrerlas ya basta para admirar los paisajes, las vistas, algo de fauna local, los inmenzos condores que sobrevuelan los picos y quebradas, un poco de todo eso tienen las altas cumbres.

Aqui les dejo solo un vistazo entre ellas, de unas nubes que se divisaban en el horizonte, parecia que podia llover pero al final estas nubes amenasantes quedaron retenidas del otro lado de esta masa de piedras erguidas.


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