The Story of Democracy...

Resist, Become Better Person,

Be Honest, Be Truthful,
Don't Cheat, Don't Lie,
Don't Abuse people, Be Moral,
If this is not so,

I will not Come but the Law of Action & Reaction will come After You...

Resist, Become An Excellent Person,

Be Nice, Be Kind,
Don't have double Standards,
Don't Steal Other's Property,
If this is not So,

I will not Come but the Law of Action & Reaction will come After You...


Resist, Become Improved Evolutioned Person,

Don't run after money without High Moral Standards,
Don't be Ugly, Don't develop Criminal Mind,
If this is not So,

I will not Come but the Law of Action & Reaction will come After You...

Don't Act that You are Other's People Boss,
If You are not,
Don't be Selfish, Be Fine,
Let Your Word Always Shines like Sun,
If this is not So,

I will not Come but the Law of Action & Reaction will come After You...

Choose Your Friends, Choose Your Partners,

Always Seek for the Truth

Truth & Goodness always Win and it has never been Discussion, if that is So...

Original photo by Pixabay


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