The time for a cup of coffee: A lasting and beautiful custom

Five months ago my wife retired and, among the things we had to do was to modify some habits and, I say modify because we could not erase them outright. On October 29 she and I will celebrate 26 years of fruitful and beautiful union and among the customs we have maintained there is one that from Monday to Friday we cannot do, but on Saturdays and Sundays we maintain and enjoy it in the best possible way.

Customs related to the theme of presentation

One of the habits we always had was to have a cup of coffee in the morning and another one in the afternoon, both of us together, sitting next to each other, starting the day sharing the tasks to be solved during the day and, in the afternoon, making a summary of our working day. Many of our plans and projects were forged in these customs. During this time we tasted our desired beverage.

Drinking these cups of coffee we planned our children's birthdays, invented ways to go for a walk on vacation, decided what we should do to accomplish a project or projected a romantic outing of us.

Modified custom

When my wife retired one of the customs changed or we had to modify it. The reason is the following: I continued to work and she sleeps in the mornings. I prefer that she rests and sleeps in the morning and I make my morning coffee and prepare my breakfast so as not to disturb her that space of time between her and the pillow. Besides, I like her to rest because her being healthy is part of my happiness.

For this reason, from Monday to Friday we still have our morning cup of coffee, but at different times. However, on Saturdays and Sundays when I am not working, we resume this custom that is part of our love relationship.

Time for a cup of coffee

In England, tea time is at 5 pm. To say that I have coffee with my wife at that time would be a lie because I don't have my own transport to say what time I will arrive home after work.

One thing is for sure: This custom of the Cup of Coffee in the afternoons has not changed, quite the contrary. By having to modify the morning custom, the afternoon coffee has stolen the limelight and allows us to continue being accomplices of all our aspirations and needs.

What does this cup of coffee mean in our relationship?

  • It is a gesture of love made coffee
  • It is the possibility of savoring, together with coffee, the charms of my wife and companion.
  • This cup is the mediator of any difficulty that occurred during the day and, in spite of its black color, it is a white flag in the face of any conflict.
  • Many times in that moment we plan many things from the previous day.
  • And something very important is that it is a kind of summary of the day. We almost always ask ourselves how the day went, we tell about any problem we can help ourselves with and we solve any problem that arose during the day.

A final comment

The Mexican singer Rocio Durcal has a song that in one of its parts says "There is no doubt that it is true that habit is stronger than love."

I don't know if there is anything stronger than love, it is very difficult for it to exist. What I can say is that this custom has strengthened our love relationship because many of the most intimate and pleasant moments have been spent drinking these cups of coffee.

So far this simple publication, but, as I like to say, the greatness of things is in how simple they are.
Thank you if you made it this far.

Note: the photos are my own, taken with my Samsug J2 and I used DeepL Translate as a translator.

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